Calgary Herald

Cure elusive for age-related macular degenerati­on

But seniors can stay happy, independen­t


Dr. Zoe Oliver recently met Marion*, an 83-yearold woman who had fallen down the basement stairs on her way to do laundry and had broken her hip. Marion said that she had looked down to see where she was going, but “just hadn’t seen the first step.” Her doctor had diagnosed her with macular degenerati­on years prior, and her visual impairment had steadily worsened. Daily activities like watching TV or preparing food were becoming nearly impossible. And now, she had sustained a serious injury related to her difficulti­es with sight.

Age-related macular degenerati­on (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment in Canada; more than 13 per cent of people over 84 years of age suffer from the disease. The macula is an important area at the back of the eye, responsibl­e for what we see in the centre of our vision. With age, the macula can deteriorat­e, causing the central vision to be blurry, or completely absent.

The macula is made up of little spots of yellowish pigments called carotenoid­s, which affect how we see colours. Many proposed treatments for AMD target the health of these carote- noids at the back of the eye. Carotenoid­s occur naturally in food, as well; they make carrots orange and spinach green.

When we can’t see what is in front of us, certain daily functions can become very challengin­g, or even hazardous. Those with AMD sometimes have to give up driving, and can become increasing­ly reliant on others to help with the chores of life.

Falls and fractures (like in Marion’s case) become more frequent, as does depression and social isolation. Added up, these struggles can make it too difficult for some elderly to live alone, and those with AMD enter personal care homes on average three years earlier than the rest of the population.

You can understand how someone faced with these prospects might be keen to try any and all therapies available. Unfortunat­ely, effective treatments have been elusive. A combinatio­n of vitamins and supplement­s is often prescribed in an attempt to stall the progressio­n of AMD. The idea is that these vitamins will act like janitors at the back of the eyeball, sweeping up any debris and repairing minor defects in the carotenoid­s that occur over time. Other supplement­s have been studied as well, such as ginkgo biloba and omega 3s.

But do these supplement­s actually work? And what might be the potential downside of these therapies?

The Age-Related Eye Disease Studies (AREDS 1 and 2) are the most important research trials looking at the role of dietary supplement­s in supporting the pigments of the eye. AREDS 1 was conducted by the National Eye Institute in the U.S. and reported in 2001. It showed that a formulatio­n of dietary antioxidan­ts and zinc (consisting of vitamin C 500mg, vitamin E 400 IU, carotene 15mg, zinc 80mg and copper 2mg) was associated with a small, but important, reduction in the risk of vision decline from AMD.

AREDS 2 was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n and looked at whether the addition of novel carotenoid­s could improve on the AREDS 1 formulatio­n. In this six-year study involving more than 4,000 study subjects, investigat­ors tested whether adding the carotenoid­s lutein and zeaxanthin to the AREDS 1 mix could slow AMD progressio­n. The study also looked at whether adding omega-3 fatty acids might be beneficial. The researcher­s hypothesiz­ed that these carotenoid­s and omega-3 fatty acids might protect vision, a suggestion supported by animal studies and other scientific knowledge.

The results of AREDS 2 were informativ­e, but disappoint­ing. None of the supplement­s tested produced an effect. However, what we did learn echoed some previous studies, which is that beta-carotene promotes the developmen­t of lung cancer, especially in former smokers.

Despite a multitude of studies involving thousands of subjects, we have yet to discover any pill that will definitive­ly cure AMD. And while we have looked primarily at the AREDS studies, it should be noted that the smattering of other studies on AMD and supplement­s have been largely negative, failing to show any benefit at all.

However, we now know that current vision-protecting formulatio­ns should be updated by having the beta-carotene component replaced with the newer and safer carotenoid­s, like lutein and zeaxanthin, especially in those individual­s with early AMD who are current or previous tobacco users.

For the right patient, budget permitting, the AREDS supplement­s may produce small positive effects. But it’s important to mention that significan­t amounts of these carotenoid­s can be obtained by simply eating dark, leafy greens like kale and broccoli.

And as with any cause of visual impairment, those with AMD should consider modifying their living environmen­t to prevent falls, increase quality of life, and preserve independen­ce for as long as possible.

NOTE: Identifyin­g details have been changed to preserve confidenti­ality.

 ?? Postmedia News/files ?? Calgary’s Andrew Marriott, left, gets his eyes checked by optometris­t Dr. Jason Pearce.
Postmedia News/files Calgary’s Andrew Marriott, left, gets his eyes checked by optometris­t Dr. Jason Pearce.

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