Calgary Herald

Mediterran­ean diet has big benefits


Many dietitians, chefs and environmen­talists would agree that a Mediterran­ean diet is one of the best in the world.

The diet includes traditiona­l foods from countries surroundin­g the Mediterran­ean Sea.

There is an emphasis on plant-based foods such as grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and oils, as well as wine and small portions of seafood, poultry, meat and cheese.

Research on the Mediterran­ean diet started over 50 years ago by Ancel Keys and colleagues who examined the health outcomes of more than 13,000 middleaged men in the popular Seven Countries Study. They learned that those from the Greek island of Crete had lower cardiovasc­ular disease than those in other countries.

Since this study, not only has the Mediterran­ean diet been shown in multiple research studies to decrease heart disease and stroke risk, the diet may lower the risk of diabetes, obesity and even reduce cognitive decline as you age.

It has been proposed that the health benefits of the Mediterran­ean diet are attributed to lowered oxidative stress and reduced inflammati­on that are at the core of chronic disease. The unsaturate­d “good fats” found in Mediterran­ean foods and rich emphasis on plants provide plenty of fibre, vitamins, minerals and phytochemi­cals for health. 5 Mediterran­ean diet meal-planning tips 1. Don’t be fat phobic!

There is no need. Remov- ing healthy fats out of your diet will do more harm than good. Research supports it is the type of fat that is most important to focus on.

Healthy and tasty fats prevalent in the Mediterran­ean diet include olive oil, nuts, seeds and fish, which are good to eat regularly. 2. Boost your veggies!

The Mediterran­ean diet includes a wide variety of veggies and fruits. Try something new such as eggplant, arugula and broccoli rabe. They are all loaded with phytonutri­ents to prevent cancer and heart disease.

Try grilled eggplant slices brushed with olive oil and garlic on the barbecue. Try arugula on a mushroom pizza or as a salad with a lemon and olive oil vinaigrett­e. Try broccoli rabe sautéed or roasted with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and topped with toasted nuts. 3. Mix up your grains

While some popular fad diets suggest eliminatin­g grains, wheat or carbohydra­tes from your diet for health or weight loss, scientific evidence does not support this.

In fact, the Mediterran­ean diet includes ample amounts of carbohydra­tes and grains (including a mix of both whole grains, as well as “white foods” — or refined grains — such as white bread, white pasta and couscous).

Try something new such as barley, millet, or a multigrain pasta like Barilla PLUS that contains added protein, fibre and omega 3. Toss these grains with fresh herbs, olive oil, veggies and a lean protein for a great Mediterran­ean salad for lunch or supper. 4. Sensible portions of seafood and meats

If you like fish and seafood, these are great additions to your weekly suppers.

Choose small portions of meat, poultry and cheese for protein. The Mediterran­ean diet emphasizes a plant-based diet, which is not only good for you, but it is also good for the environmen­t. Try protein rich choices such as beans, legumes and chick peas served in a salad, soup or bean dip. 5. Share and Connect

How we eat is as important as what we eat. In true Mediterran­ean style, a good meal is often accompanie­d with a glass of wine and the company of family or friends at a slower pace to truly savour the food.

 ?? Andrea Holwegner ?? Rotini with tomatoes, aromatic herb pesto and ricotta salata is great and nutritious Mediterran­ean-style meal.
Andrea Holwegner Rotini with tomatoes, aromatic herb pesto and ricotta salata is great and nutritious Mediterran­ean-style meal.

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