Calgary Herald

Raising corporate taxes would harm Alberta economy

Such a move would result in job losses, writes Adam Legge

- Adam Legge is president and CEO of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce.

Some Albertans are upset because they feel that corporate Alberta is not adequately sharing the pain of the recent provincial budget. I understand that perspectiv­e; I do.

In recent years, many of the head offices based in Alberta have had the ability to afford some perks. Nice office towers, expense accounts, big Christmas parties.

I know it can look like there is an abundance of money.

So I do understand where the views of many Albertans are coming from.

The reality is that raising corporate taxes right now is not the right decision, and also not going to achieve what people may think for a variety of reasons, and in fact, could make the economic situation a lot worse. Here’s why.

The big companies that you may think of when you think “corporate Alberta,” make up less than two per cent of the businesses in our province. That’s it. Less than two per cent. In fact, in this economic environmen­t, none of the large energy companies are making money anyways. Ninety- nine per cent of the major companies in Alberta’s energy sector — the largest economic driver of this province — will lose money in 2015, and that means they won’t pay tax.

So raising corporate taxes for companies that won’t pay tax does nothing to address Alberta’s fiscal picture. These companies are cutting jobs and investment­s — thousands of jobs in Calgary alone have been lost. Raising their costs will only result in more people losing their jobs.

What is true is that 95 per cent of businesses in Alberta are owned, run and staffed by everyday Albertans. Your local gelato maker, seamstress, bookkeeper, sandwich shop, restaurant, plumber and web design firm. None of them are big, and none of them are making tons of money.

I speak to many of these businesses on a regular basis, and many take little profit as they reinvest back into the company. They love what they do — they are passionate about their trade and just love making people happy. So many small business owners don’t do it for the money — they do it for the love and the lifestyle.

And so taxing them more means we would hurt the economy.

Small business can deal with a tax increase in one of two ways: cut their spending — usually people — or raise prices. Neither is good for our economy. Right now, we can’t afford for businesses to cut their staff. Too many people are losing their jobs in Calgary, so let’s not add to that difficult situation.

Or, the small business that may have had enough profit to hire a new person won’t because they have to pay more tax. Either way, jobs are lost.

An alternate way to cover the cost of new taxes will be to pass that on to the customer.

Business tax increases would have hit the cost of your daily sandwich, latte, tire rotation, or new TV. So everyday Albertans end up paying for any increase.

As I say, I do understand the early reactions to this budget, which is sensitive to the needs of businesses in a hard time.

It seems like they are getting off the hook. But when you dig deeper into the economy and business base of Alberta, you see that increasing these taxes now would impact everyone, and badly.

It would impact hard- working small business owners. It would result in job losses or higher prices.

So let’s think of ways to keep Alberta employers creating new jobs, investing in this province and keeping prices low so they can be globally competitiv­e.

When that happens, they will grow and pay more tax naturally as their profits rise. This has always been the best way to grow and fund our province.

That is an Alberta advantage.

Small business can deal with a tax increase in one of two ways: cut their spending — usually people — or raise prices. Neither is good …

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