Calgary Herald

Don’t put all your faith in public opinion polls

People satisfied with provincial status quo may not be piping in

- Graham Thomson is a columnist with the Edmonton Journal. GRAHAM THOMSON

If we’re to believe not one, but two public opinion polls released this week, Alberta is about to be enmeshed in an exciting horse race of a provincial election campaign too close to call.

One poll has the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves and the Wildrose in a dead heat with 30 per cent each of decided voters. The second poll has them in almost a dead heat, with 31 per cent support for the PCs and 27 per cent support for the Wildrose.

Wow, you can almost hear the hoof beats thundering down the home stretch with the PCs and Wildrose whipping each other with riding crops.

The first poll was called “shocking” and, combined with the second, had some observers wondering if a shaken Premier Jim Prentice would delay calling the election because of anger over the new provincial budget.

So what’s going on? Are a many Albertans grumbling over the provincial budget that raises taxes?

Yes, you just have to listen to people on phone- in shows or in coffee shops to learn that.

Is Prentice huddled in a fetal position under his desk? No. Will he delay the election? No.

Samuel Clemens ( a. k. a. Mark Twain) wrote that there are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.

We perhaps should add a fourth to the list: questionab­le public opinion polls. The first poll, released on Monday, was one of those “demon dialing” polls that uses an automated system where responders punch in their answers on a their phone’s keypad. The poll of 3,000 people is said to have a margin of error of about three percentage points 19 times out of 20. But it’s the same kind of poll that gave us a skewed picture of the 2012 election campaign, when the Wildrose seemed on the verge of forming government.

“These type of polls always overestima­te people’s desire for political change,” says Janet Brown, a longtime and well- respected pollster in Calgary who has been vocally critical of this week’s so- called shocking polls.

“They just burned through numbers, called as many people as they could and the people who happened to be home on a Sunday night who didn’t hang up when they heard a computer voice registered anger at the governing party.

“People who are happy with the status quo would quite simply be less motivated to hang on the line, listen to a computer and answer a poll. So these polls always tend to skew towards the people who are motivated by anger, motivated to answer these polls,” she added.

The second poll was done with an “in- house access panel” of 602 people in the polling company’s database.

The company says if this were a regular random survey of 602 people, it would have a margin of error of about four percentage point 19 times out of 20. But as Brown points out, this was not a regular random survey; it is an in- house access panel of pre- selected volunteers and margins of error are not applicable to these types of online polls. Even Wildrose MLA Pat Stier said people should not read too much into the polls: “We found out in the past that polls don’t necessaril­y show what is really going on out there.”

Even though Brown is skeptical of the polls, she did add a caveat: “Don’t get me wrong. Prentice has had a bad week, the Wildrose has had a good week. Prentice is not trending in the right direction; the Wildrose is trending in the right direction, but that doesn’t mean they’re tied.”

Brown also thinks the polls are on to something when they indicate the NDP is leading in Edmonton ( 35 per cent support, according to one poll; 31 per cent according to the other).

You can see the NDP is doing well simply by talking to voters in Edmonton, but it might be too optimistic for the NDP to say they’re leading the PCs by a margin of three- toone in the capital city.

These polls always tend to skew towards the people who are motivated by anger ...”


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