Calgary Herald

Cyclist looking to thank Good Samaritan

- ANNALISE KLINGBEIL AKlingbeil@calgaryher­

Ryan Drake was “losing hope” and ready to give up.

He was soaking wet, freezing cold and bleeding.

The college student had spent more than 20 minutes searching a flooded downtown underpass at 5th Street S. W. near 9 Avenue — hunting in waist- deep “brown, murky, nasty” water — for his beloved bicycle during Wednesday’s storm.

As the water rose, the number of bystanders increased.

Many took photos, some asked if Drake was OK, others offered tips, but no one dared enter the deluge.

“I was getting more and more sad and depressed,” Drake recalled.

That changed when a blackhaire­d stranger, wearing blue and white plaid shorts and a checkered blue and white hoodie, asked Drake what he was doing.

“I’ve been here forever, I’m trying to find my bike,” Drake told the mystery man.

Instantly, the young man waded into the water.

After five minutes of hunting for the bike, the stranger found Drake’s $ 1,500 wheels in the flooded underpass. Then, the do- gooder disappeare­d.

Drake was overjoyed, and after making it home, drying off, and processing what happened, he went online in an effort to find the Good Samaritan.

“All of a sudden, this hero comes out of nowhere and he finds my bike,” Drake said.

Drake briefly thanked the stranger at the scene before television cameras who captured the incident rushed to speak with Drake and the man vanished.

“It was amazing. Honestly, I don’t even know if I would have been able to do that. The water was disgusting, you couldn’t see your hand an inch under the water,” Drake said.

Drake wants to find the stranger so he can thank him again, and perhaps give him “a gift card or something.”

“I’m so grateful for what he did for me. His clothing was soaked through, and he just went on his way with his friend like nothing happened. What a great guy. What a great city :),” Drake wrote in an online post about the incident.

Drake said the incident happened when he misjudged the depth of water while biking home from work on Wednesday.

The underpass wasn’t closed off when Drake, wearing a backpack and bike helmet, attempted to make it through.

But as soon as his tires hit the water, disaster struck.

“My bike stopped but my body kept going. I went completely over the handlebars. I go crashing through the water. It was like going for a swim in a cesspool,” he said.

Drake initially found his bike immediatel­y and started walking out of the waist- deep water, but then realized he was missing his glasses.

“I need them to see. I couldn’t see anything,” Drake said.

He left his bike on the side of the underpass, against the wall, and began hunting for his glasses.

While he miraculous­ly found the glasses, when he went back to get his bike, it was gone.

“I walked back and forth in the water like an idiot for 20 to 30 minutes, completely soaked and freezing,” he said.

“The stranger saved me $ 1,500 by coming into the water to help.”

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