Calgary Herald

Action needed on the environmen­t


Re: “Pollution raises concerns,” Sept. 10.

It comes as no surprise that Alberta has the worst air quality in Canada. The Liberals signed the Kyoto accord, but did not get a chance to implement it; the NDP has been pushing for a carbon tax; the Green party’s very essence is based on protecting the environmen­t.

The Tory regime seems to be oblivious to heat waves, droughts, tornadoes, burning forests, and has engineered our fall from grace on the internatio­nal stage.

A dog has the wherewitha­l to not crap in its own bed, but the Conservati­ve leader has done just that in his own province.

In the future, if your kid coughs up a lung, there is only one party that is accountabl­e for this environmen­tal and health-care disaster, but don’t hold your breath waiting for them to accept responsibi­lity.

Ian Wishart, Calgary

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