Calgary Herald

Failure of schools leads to two-tiers


We now have two-tiered public education in Alberta.

One tier has high academic standards. It’s being embraced by the haves and the highly motivated.

The other tier is in the grips of an overemphas­is on discovery learning. It’s increasing­ly for the have-nots and for our most vulnerable students.

The creation of a top tier is being driven by parents.

They are increasing­ly clamouring to get their children into special public school programs with higher academic standards, or signing up their children for private after-school tutoring.

At the Calgary Board of Education, there are now 14 traditiona­l learning centre schools, which boast rigorous academics. The fastestgro­wing special program in the Edmonton public system has long been the Cogito program, which has an enriched curriculum and high academic standards. Then there is Calgary’s public charter Foundation­s for the Future program, which started up two decades ago with one school and a focus on academic excellence.

Foundation­s now has 3,455 students spread over seven campuses, and a waiting list of 13,000. To have any hope of enrolment, you must sign up your child at birth.

Desperate Alberta parents are now seeing the need for private tutoring. For example, there’s been a stampede to private Kumon math and English tutoring.

There were 4,069 students enrolled in Kumon in Alberta in 2006. By 2012, there were 5,495. Then came news of Alberta’s disastrous results in math on 2013 internatio­nal PISA testing, which saw a doubling of our rate of mathillite­rate students from 7.4 to 15.1 per cent in less than a decade. There are now 9,439 children enrolled in Kumon. Students there attempt to learn the basic skills many of our schools have downplayed.

This is an educationa­l disaster, with our most vulnerable students hammered hardest, but not once have discovery math’s architects — an army of “21st-century learning” educationa­l consultant­s, professors and gurus — been held to account.

Instead, the NDP appear to be almost as much under their influence as the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves were. The “21st-century learning” gurus are now pushing for yet more focus on schooling with a massive, overriding focus on the same concepts and buzzwords: discovery, inquiry, exploratio­n, child- and student-centred learning, 21st century competenci­es.

Essentiall­y, this boils down to teachers acting not as instructor­s, but as facilitato­rs and guides, as students learn at their own pace with project and group work, with more computer time thrown in as a razzle-dazzle element.

The 21st-century learning gurus are evidently trying to manufactur­e consent through the Alberta government’s new survey on its curriculum rewrite. The survey’s stated purpose is to find out what teachers and parents think about the rewrite, but it also pushes a discovery learning and activist agenda.

Our education system’s thrust evidently isn’t for students to acquire knowledge. Instead, as one teacher in the survey’s promotiona­l video puts it, the system wants to create students “who are agents of change to create the globe that they want to be a part of.”

The propaganda effort continues in the first section of the survey, where you are asked how much you agree with the following statement: “Through learning outcomes, curriculum should support the developmen­t of literacy, numeracy and 21st century competenci­es.”

But as University of Alberta math professor Vladimir Troitsky asks: “What if I support literacy and numeracy, but not 21st-century competenci­es? How possibly can I answer this question?”

The survey is flawed in its overall focus, Troitsky says.

“It misses that school education is about learning, which means acquiring knowledge and skills.”

Adds Stuart Wachowicz, former director of curriculum for Edmonton Public Schools: “Many of the questions being asked are not reflective of the need to have a strong knowledge base in the key subject areas.”

For one thing, Wachowicz wonders why the survey suggests the need for kindergart­en to Grade 3 students to learn computer keyboardin­g.

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