Calgary Herald


Cal Wenzel inducted


A 37-year Calgary homebuilde­r, known for his tireless work ethic and commitment to giving back, has been honoured for his achievemen­ts in business.

Cal Wenzel is now a member of the Calgary Business Hall of Fame.

He and fellow inductees, RGO Office Products president Ross Glenn, ATCO founder Ron Southern, and ARC Financial founder Mac Van Wielingen were celebrated during a gala event at the Hyatt Regency earlier this month.

The hall of fame recognitio­n was establishe­d by Junior Achievemen­t Southern Alberta in 2004.

Wenzel founded Shane Homes in 1979. Today, he’s owner, CEO and CVO (chief visionary officer) of Shane Homes Group of Companies.

“Nothing comes by accident and very few come by miracles,” said Wenzel during his acceptance speech. “They only come from investment of your time, your energy, your talent and your hard work. I learned — to be ambitious, proactive and work hard — anything is possible.”

Shane Homes built six homes in its first year of operation and now constructs between 500 and 600 single-family homes each year. The business has also expanded to other segments of residentia­l work, including its multi-family division Nuovo and land developmen­t arm Wenzel Developmen­ts.

“A great number of people helped me along the way in order to achieve this award,” Wenzel said.

“People I mentored under, my employees, business partners, and family members. Thank you for your continued support over the years.”

Junior Achievemen­t is a nonprofit organizati­on with program- ming aimed at helping students develop skills that allow them to succeed in the global economy.

“I believe it’s our responsibi­lity as business people to be leaders and mentors and encourage young people to desire for success by helping them come up with an ‘I can do it’ attitude,” Wenzel said. “I want them to define their purpose and goals and make the right choices to achieve those goals.

“But equally important, young achievers must recognize the benefit of embracing mentors, the mentality of business, and make it the basis for their success,” he added. “I was fortunate to have some great mentors over my business years.”

A video tribute for each inductee was played at the hall of fame ceremony and can be seen at www. calgarybus­inesshallo­

In Wenzel’s video, Jay Westman, chairman and CEO of Jayman Built, said, “He could do more on the back of a napkin than I’ve seen accountant­s do on spread sheets.

“It’s quite amazing,” he added. “He’s got quite a memory and quite a mind for numbers.”

“Saturday morning, five o’clock, he is out driving the job sites,” said Shane Homes president and Cal’s son Shane Wenzel. “He still does it. And he’s 72.”

Cal Wenzel grew up in Medicine Hat. His mother was a stay-athome mom and seamstress who made bridal gowns and his father was a mechanic.

“My main credo is to work hard, don’t expect it to be given to you, and once you’ve got some made — give it back,” said Cal Wenzel. Over the years, he and his wife Edith have made philanthro­py a focus.

Shane Homes has made contributi­ons to causes including the Kinsmen Children’s Hospital Home Lotto, the Resolve Campaign, Calgary Stampede, SAIT Polytechni­c’s Trades and Technology Complex, Calgary Minor Soccer Associatio­n, various community centres and the Peanut Butter Golf Classic.

Through the Cal Wenzel Family Foundation, contributi­ons have been made to causes such as Bow Valley College, Theatre Calgary, the Salvation Army, Mustard Seed Ministry, the Reach Program at the University of Calgary and the Canadian Diabetes Associatio­n.

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 ??  ?? Shane Homes Group of Companies CEO and CVO Cal Wenzel, left, is welcomed to the Calgary Business Hall of Fame by Junior Achievemen­t Southern Alberta at a gala event in Calgary earlier this month. With his business success, Wenzel has also made...
Shane Homes Group of Companies CEO and CVO Cal Wenzel, left, is welcomed to the Calgary Business Hall of Fame by Junior Achievemen­t Southern Alberta at a gala event in Calgary earlier this month. With his business success, Wenzel has also made...

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