Calgary Herald

Brain drain north


When a respected research professor from a top Ivy League university says he’s pulling up stakes to move to Canada, it says a lot about the shift in the artificial intelligen­ce landscape.

The conversati­ons began about last June, when Donald Trump’s election campaign was doing well, says the professor, who didn’t want his name used. “My family and a number of colleagues were getting very upset and worried about what was happening.”

While it was never his vision to leave his tenured position, he says the fact that different ethnic groups are feeling ostracized is worrisome. “This is not the right place to live right now. Many of the people I have spoken to feel the same way. In fact, half of my research group is not U.S. born. It’s like a nightmare for some, but the good news is there are other countries to go to.”

He admits that his first inquiries were with universiti­es in Australia. “I then started to look into Canada. Many of us in the field today learned from people there. Canada is also the closest destinatio­n for our extended family, so it would be much easier to visit.”

Offers from Canadian universiti­es have been generous, including bridge financing for a full-scale research lab, he says. This was crucial, considerin­g that when he does make the move, a good portion of his research team will follow.

Yoshua Bengio says this is not an isolated incident; he’s had more AI experts who want to leave the U.S. to study or work in Canada knocking on his door in recent weeks. “Some are in wait-and-see mode, but others have already made up their minds to change their plans and are choosing Canada,” says the head of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA) at Université de Montréal. “People want to be in countries where they feel welcome.”

The U.S. industry itself is rattled because it stands to lose a lot in terms of AI and technology, he adds. “Because a majority of people who work in the industry are not U.S. born, you can imagine the disaster it could be if foreigners (are banned from entry).”

Canada’s AI academic and startup communitie­s definitely stand to benefit from the travel ban concerns, confirms William Melek, director of mechatroni­cs engineerin­g at University of Waterloo. In fact, inquiries into the university’s AI programs have almost tripled in recent months. Applicatio­ns for engineerin­g discipline­s in general have grown 36 per cent, including applicants who received admission offers from such institutio­ns as UC Berkeley and University of Texas.

Melek points out that this is despite the fact that in October 2016, the U.S. government released The National Artificial Intelligen­ce Research and Developmen­t Strategic Plan, which indicates that in 2016, the country invested US$1.1 billion in unclassifi­ed R&D in AI and outlines a roadmap to advance AI research. The travel ban, however, will impede Washington’s strategic plans because it undermines people’s sense of security, Melek says. “It is actually helping us solidify our position as a very effective alternativ­e.”

Dr. Alexander Wong, Canada Research Chair, department of systems design engineerin­g at University of Waterloo, has found that the travel ban is having an impact in two ways. “First, while most people think more about foreign workers being banned from entering the United States to start careers, there is a big concern with people who are already working in the United States who are prevented from leaving the country to travel for both personal and work-related reasons. They are essentiall­y trapped in the United States as they fear that they may not be able to return.”

There is also a continued fear that some will not be able to renew their work visas, he adds. “As such, they are looking for career opportunit­ies in Canada, which they see as a much more welcoming place.”

 ?? PETER J. THOMPSON / NATIONAL POST ?? Canada’s AI academic and startup communitie­s stand to benefit from concerns in the United States over the Trump administra­tion’s travel ban, says William Melek, director of mechatroni­cs engineerin­g at University of Waterloo.
PETER J. THOMPSON / NATIONAL POST Canada’s AI academic and startup communitie­s stand to benefit from concerns in the United States over the Trump administra­tion’s travel ban, says William Melek, director of mechatroni­cs engineerin­g at University of Waterloo.

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