Calgary Herald

Playoffs worth wait for young Oilers


Darnell Nurse has only one thing to say about the playoffs: Believe the hype.

It’s the most fun you can ever have with your skates on.

“It’s the best hockey just based off the fact of how intense it is, how tight it is,” said the Edmonton Oilers defenceman, who is four games into what he hopes and expects will be a long playoff career.

“You can never take your foot off the gas pedal.”

All of the Oilers who made their post-season debuts this spring have been echoing the same tune: This is worth the wait.

From Jordan Eberle to Ryan Nugent-Hopkins to Oscar Klefbom, they are loving the emotional and physical investment and subsequent payoff. “It’s a roller-coaster,” said Nurse. “Each game and each day feels very long and the emotions get high and low. The big focus is just to keep an even mind and take every day as a new one and either build off of or learn from the lessons of the night before.”

San Jose veteran Logan Couture will be the first to admit that a player has to live through the playoffs to truly get a sense of what they are all about.

“You learn a lot going through experience­s in the playoffs,” he said.

“You really have to go through it to learn it. People can tell you things, but when you personally go through it really does help.”

Four games have certainly made a difference to a group of Oilers players who are like dry sponges, growing with every drop of postseason experience they can soak up — good and bad.

“During a long playoff series there are going to be ups and downs,” said winger Zack Kassian.

“It’s up to us to learn from the last game and be better for the next one.

“But the belief in here hasn’t changed one bit. The outside noise, we’ve cancelled it out as a group in here. We believe in each other.

“We know it’s not going to be easy, that’s a good team over there, but all in all we know what we’re capable of in here, we just need to go out and do it.”

They’ve been doing it since October, after all, so they don’t think there is any reason they can’t keep this thing going for a while.

“We’ve done it all year long,” said Nurse.

“The atmosphere is a completely new aspect but no matter what, when the puck drops it’s still the same game we’ve been playing all year long.”


Somebody asked Nurse about late-game pressure when the score is close. What goes through his mind knowing that one mistake can change the whole game?

“Yeah, that’s the one thing you don’t think about,” Nurse said, laughing. “That’s the first thing: keep that out of your mind.” But seriously folks ... “In those last minutes you want to make sure you’re making hard solid plays and being in the right spots and not giving much up.”


No matter what the score is in a playoff series, until there is a four next to one team’s win total, it’s still a long way from over.

Having been around for a long playoff run or two, the Sharks know this better than anyone.

That’s why they won’t be rattled by what’s waiting for them in Game 5 Thursday in Edmonton.

“We’re one of the teams that is still here,” said San Jose coach Pete DeBoer, adding it’s better to be in trouble than on the outside looking in. “We’ve been in tough spots before and you rebound. Any team that goes on any kind of a deep run has some adversity.

“When you’re on those teams you always look back and say ‘Hey remember when we were in that spot, how did we handle it, who stepped up?’

“That’s where we’re at and we’re expecting some big games out of some people.”

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