Calgary Herald

Calgary experience delights American


When we arrived here on Jan. 9, 2017, for six months, my family and I had no idea what to expect. What we discovered has been simply amazing. Graciousne­ss and helpfulnes­s abound. You take care of your citizens, making certain those less fortunate are able to get a hot shower and a shave. Schools are open and accessible — not hidden behind locked doors and a police presence. Students are expected to learn, but are not overworked to the point of anxious exhaustion. The arts and physical education are celebrated.

Your city exhibits diversity and it is celebrated. Immigrants are afforded opportunit­ies within the school systems and the community. Our son, adopted from Ethiopia and continuing to learn English, was not only evaluated by the Calgary Board of Education free of charge, but was placed in a school that had all the resources necessary to assist him. His unique challenges were met as a responsibi­lity and delight of educators.

While much is said about the problems with access to the health-care system in Canada, through my work I have come to understand the access difficulti­es are universal — not a byproduct of your system but an artifact of ever-increasing needs in all countries. Your physicians and health-care providers are thoughtful, cautious, judicious. Folks seeking medical care are not viewed as a commodity or means to make a living but are instead treated with respect.

We never would have anticipate­d our journey here would have provided us with such incredible insight or experience­s. Nor would I have guessed how my work back in the United States would be forever impacted by what I have seen and witnessed in Calgary. I am and will remain forever grateful to your citizens. Lloyd Taylor, 2016-17 Fulbright Canada Palix Distinguis­hed Chair in Brain Science and Child and Family Wellness, U of C Werklund School of Education

 ?? LYLE ASPINALL ?? Graciousne­ss and helpfulnes­s abound in Calgary, where citizens are taken care of, writes American Lloyd Taylor. .
LYLE ASPINALL Graciousne­ss and helpfulnes­s abound in Calgary, where citizens are taken care of, writes American Lloyd Taylor. .

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