Calgary Herald

$5.2M award in birth injury lawsuit

Case sheds rare light on response to medical errors

- TOM BLACKWELL National Post tblackwell@nationalpo­­llNP

An Ontario hospital appeared to falsify medical records to cover up the severe brain injury it caused a newborn baby, then denied any wrongdoing for years afterward, suggest court documents that raise troubling questions about the handling of health-care errors.

A judge last week awarded Sarah Butler and her family over $5 million in compensati­on for neurologic­al damage she suffered at birth.

Barrie’s Royal Victoria Hospital did eventually admit that its negligence triggered the injury — but not until the start of a malpractic­e trial last spring, nine years after Sarah was born.

The case sheds rare light on the front-line response to serious medical error, and seems to illustrate why so few mistakes ever come to the surface, despite research estimating tens of thousands such errors occur yearly across Canada.

“It tells me that hospitals can and will do everything in their power to avoid paying compensati­on,” said Hilik Elmaliah, the Butlers’ lawyer. “It tells us we need to be very, very careful and vigilant when a poor outcome results from a medical treatment. We can’t rely on what was said by a health-care provider … to find out what really happened.”

The brain damage that Sarah, a twin who is now 10, suffered at birth in 2007 has left her with disabiliti­es ranging from cerebral palsy and poor co-ordination to cognitive deficits and speech impairment, Justice John McCarthy noted in his ruling last week.

McCarthy ordered the hospital to pay $5.2 million in damages, covering loss of future income, personal support she will need for the rest of her life and other issues.

Royal Victoria said this week that privacy legislatio­n bars it from commenting on the Butler case.

But Rachel Kean, the hospital’s chief quality and privacy officer, said in a statement the facility does carry out a comprehens­ive quality review when an “incident” occurs, developing action plans and learning from the experience.

“RVH sincerely and unreserved­ly regrets the failings surroundin­g Sarah’s birth,” Kean added. “We recognize how difficult this has been for the Butler family and the challenges they face. The birth of a child is a joyous experience and we hope Sarah and her family receive the support they need.”

The hospital said it could not indicate whether the nurses who wrote false informatio­n on the baby’s chart, obscuring actions that caused the brain damage, have faced any kind of sanction internally.

A spokeswoma­n for the Ontario College of Nurses said a nurse who issues a document that she knows contains false or misleading patient informatio­n would be guilty of profession­al misconduct. The regulator’s website gives no indication the Barrie nurses were discipline­d.

Jaye Butler was already in labour when she arrived at the hospital early one January morning 10 years ago, and soon thereafter gave birth to the first twin, Luke.

The on-call obstetrici­an was not in the hospital, but the nurses tending to her announced they were going to rupture the protective membrane around the second baby to help ease her birth, court was told.

As the amniotic fluid drained away, the baby’s weight pressed down on the umbilical cord, depriving her brain of oxygen and inflicting lasting damage.

Nine years later, the hospital conceded that it had breached the standard of care when its nurses “artificial­ly” ruptured the membrane, and that their action resulted in the girl’s cerebral palsy, said McCarthy’s judgment.

But a much different picture emerged at the time.

Sarah’s medical charts that morning indicated there had been a SROM — spontaneou­s rupture of membrane — not one deliberate­ly caused by the nurses. And an “unusual incident report” the next day made no mention of the rupture at all.

The Butlers’ court filings indicate Royal Victoria investigat­ed and eventually confirmed in 2007 that its staff had broken the membrane, after the parents raised the issue with officials.

But as the lawsuit began, the hospital fell back into denial. Its statement of defence makes no mention of the rupture, saying only that Sarah became “distressed” and was delivered by emergency caesarean section. Staff “appropriat­ely monitored and cared” for the patients, the document said.

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