Calgary Herald

Poor gopher trashed again


Re: Developmen­t of ‘gopher-infested field’ closer, June 13

A city councillor recently dubbed a plot of land in the city’s northeast as a “gopher-infested field.” Here we go again — an outdated attitude toward wildlife.

The Richardson’s ground squirrel, commonly called gopher, is native to southern Alberta.

With impunity, we kill them by the thousands when we strip and grade land for urban developmen­t.

Consider for a moment that we share almost 90 per cent of our genetic code with these animals.

They live communally and their behaviour conveys emotional states: fear, agitation, enjoyment.

Ecologists have described their pivotal role in the function of grassland ecosystems.

But because they interfere with us, we label them as “pests” and get rid of them.

They deserve better.

Jan Simonson, Calgary

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