Calgary Herald

“I could hear properly for the first time since I was a teenager.”


Nate Davis will never forget the first time he used his hearing aids. Nate had suffered with his hearing for most of his life but all that changed when he got in touch with Miracle-Ear.

After several operations in his younger years, he was told the hearing had completely gone from his right ear, a situation he had lived with for 25 years. “My wife, Brenda, had to be my ears, even when we were talking she’d have to do lots of listening to make sure I heard it all correctly. I would struggle when I went to the pub with friends, and always felt like I wasn’t part of the conversati­on. “It got more frustratin­g and I didn’t want to accept that I might spend the rest of my life in a world that was becoming increasing­ly silent. So I decided to book an appointmen­t with Miracle-Ear. Nate was amazed by what happened when he was fitted for his hearing aids. “It was incredible,” says Nate. “Everything was there and crystal clear: voices, birdsong, traffic noise—sounds I hadn’t been able to hear since I was in my teens. The memory of it still overwhelms me. If just one person reads this, books an appointmen­t with Miracle-Ear and regains their quality of life, it will all have been worthwhile. Go and see them. It’s never too late.”

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