Calgary Herald

The NDP needs a plan to balance the books before an election

It’s hard to believe in deficit eliminatio­n as the red ink of provincial numbers grows


The Alberta government is on track to balance the provincial budget — in six years … maybe.

That’s as definitive as Finance Minister Joe Ceci would get during a news conference Thursday when he released the government’s “annual report” containing the final audited figures for last year’s provincial budget.

Among those figures: a record $10.8-billion deficit; and the provincial government is now $33 billion in debt. ( We’re also on track to run up a $10.3-billion deficit this year, $9.7 billion next year and $7.2 billion the year after. When you add up the string of yearly deficits, the government will have a total debt well over $60 billion in two years, just in time for the 2019 provincial election.)

But there is some good news. The recession seems to be over and Alberta will lead the country in economic growth this year.

There’s even some good news regarding those pesky deficits, according to Ceci.

“The deficit eliminatio­n plan remains on track,” he told reporters.


But ... wait a minute.

Just what deficit eliminatio­n plan would that be?

“The plan is to have smaller and smaller deficits year on year on year going out, and balance in 2023,” said Ceci.

Uh-oh. That’s not much of a plan.

Ceci presented no charts or graphs or projection­s showing how exactly he will achieve a balanced budget in six years. Budget documents show only three-year increments. So, according to Ceci, we’ll have to wait three years to see the government’s plans for a balanced budget in 2023.

The next provincial election is just two years away, so Ceci might want to get a bit more detailed.

He needs a specific plan to balance the books. This is crucial for the NDP if it hopes to survive the next election.

Albertans are allergic to politician­s who run deficits, as the fates of premiers past will attest.

That’s why the NDP government cannot simply rely on repeating the mantra that it is going deeply into debt to “make life better for everyday Albertans.”

And boy is that debt piling up. The government is borrowing $6 billion this year to build capital projects such as roads, schools and hospitals, and another $6.4 billion just to pay for the day-today costs of operating the government.

Ceci is hoping Albertans will understand he’s trying to support the economy during a slump in energy prices that has devastated Alberta and dried up a major source of revenue for the provincial treasury.

A recent history lesson: revenues from oil and gas were $9 billion in 2014, the last year of PC rule, but dropped to $2.8 billion in 2015, the first year of NDP rule. Revenues rebounded a little to $3 billion last year and are forecast to bring in $3.7 billion to the provincial treasury this year.

But it’s not enough. Wildrose Leader Brian Jean likes to channel the spirit of former premier Ralph Klein by saying the government doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

(It has both.)

Jean said under a Wildrose gov- ernment, last year’s deficit would have been between $3 billion and $5 billion, not the $10.8 billion posted by the NDP government. The NDP caucus demanded Jean explain how he’d trim billions from the deficit without closing schools or cutting back government services.

Jean didn’t provide details Thursday, just as he refuses to provide a shadow budget.

“The shadow budget is a moving target, especially under this government and would be impossible to nail down, and frankly because of that we didn’t see the long-term benefit in doing a shadow budget,” Jean told reporters.

The political reality is the Wildrose doesn’t have to provide a budget; it’s not the government. The NDP does because it is.

If it wants to help itself stay in government and convince Albertans it is fiscally responsibl­e, it should provide a real plan for balancing the books.

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