Calgary Herald

Bizarre case reveals NDP death grip on freedom of informatio­n

- DON BRAID Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald Twitter: @DonBraid

How much does the NDP dislike, mistrust and manipulate freedom of informatio­n?

So much, it turns out, that when informatio­n is requested through the Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act (known as FOIP), key answers are blotted out on page after page, turning the report into a wasteland of white.

In the latest bizarre case, this happened even though the government had already made the answer public.

Yes, the NDP actually “redacted” figures on the cost of collecting the carbon tax, when months earlier it proudly said that cost is $2.5 million a year.

This almost defies explanatio­n, but one is possible, given the NDP’s dismal record on freedom of informatio­n.

The $2.5-million annual cost, stated in April by Finance Minister Joe Ceci, might be very different from the numbers blotted out in the FOIP response to the Canadian Federation of Independen­t Business.

That suggests the NDP is blowing public smoke about the real cost.

Surely aware of this dangerous perception, the government was gushing numbers by Wednesday afternoon.

The real cost of all carbon tax administra­tion is $2.1 million annually, due to further efficienci­es, officials said.

But why was the informatio­n denied to the FOIP applicants?

Because at that stage, it was advice to cabinet, and couldn’t be disclosed. Right. The NDP’s reading of freedom of informatio­n law is so restrictiv­e that it prevents release of informatio­n already released.

And we still don’t know what those internal documents actually say.

Jill Clayton, Alberta’s informatio­n and privacy commission­er, is absolutely right about this crew.

In February, Clayton released a report slamming the NDP for delays and government contempt for the whole FOIP process.

“Among the most concerning of the findings from this investigat­ion are the comments relayed to the investigat­or about the lack of respect for access to informatio­n across the government of Alberta,” she said.

Even material supplied to the privacy commission­er is heavily redacted.

A further complicati­on stems from a court ruling that says she can’t require the government to provide her with informatio­n that involves any hint of solicitor-client privilege.

These trends were well advanced in the PCs’ dying days, but Clayton suggests they’re at least as bad now.

“I thought that with a change of government we would see a different approach. I think I can say that, yes, I was surprised that that did not happen.”

Clayton’s statements are the strongest I’ve heard from a legislatur­e officer since 2009, when chief electoral officer Lorne Gibson blasted failings in the elections system and released more than 100 recommenda­tions for reform.

His contract wasn’t renewed. The PC majority simply shouldered aside an officer who dared to serve the public.

Someday that may be Jill Clayton’s fate with the NDP.

Admirably, she doesn’t seem to care.

In the current case, the document released about carbon tax cost says this:

“The total operating cost design, implementa­tion and administra­tion from 2017-18 to 2021 is expected to be (blank).

“A further (blank) of capital will also be required for the ongoing design and build of the IT system to administer the program.”

It was sent by deputy finance minister Lorna Rosen to Eric Denhoff, deputy minister of the climate change office.

This is an exchange between senior officials.

Arguably, the document falls short of advice to cabinet. The NDP holds the spirit of FOIP in shackles to deny release of those figures.

So, here’s a question for Albertans who go through all the hoops to get detailed informatio­n from government:

If the NDP won’t give you data that’s already public, what are your chances for informatio­n that isn’t?

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Jill Clayton
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