Calgary Herald


Professor Marston and the Wonder Women a groundbrea­king portrait of love, marriage


The groundbrea­king film Professor Marston and the Wonder Women offers one of very few positive representa­tions of polyamory in the history of cinema.

This should not go overlooked: The public view of non-monogamous relationsh­ips is one plagued by misunderst­andings and sensationa­lism, some erroneousl­y equating polygamy with polyamory, others assuming that non-monogamy must only be practised by sex deviants or mentally ill people, thus forcing many non-monogamist­s to keep their consensual, harmless relationsh­ips a secret.

While non-normative types of sexuality and gender identity have become more socially acceptable in the past few

decades, the stigma against open relationsh­ip styles persist. But Professor Marston, based on the real-life story of the Harvard psychologi­st William Marston, who created Wonder Woman, helps shed this negative image.

The film presents the radical idea that three people can actually love each other. Luke Evans plays the titular “Bill” Marston, mesmerized by his brilliant wife Elizabeth (Rebecca Hall, in one of the year’s finest performanc­es). The happy couple both come to fall for Marston’s sweet, innocent student Olive Byrne (Bella Heathcote).

It sounds like a fairy tale given the time period — the late 1920s, when lesbianism was considered a mental illness — but the film smartly deliberate­s on the slow evolution of their love, how Marston and Olive’s attraction­s to each other becomes eclipsed by Olive’s attraction for Elizabeth, and Elizabeth’s eventual admission of feelings for Olive.

Being masters of psychology, William, Olive and Elizabeth understand that communicat­ion of feelings is paramount to navigating their unusual love arrangemen­t. The Marstons’ invention of the polygraph plays a central role in illuminati­ng the characters’ feelings for each other: It uses science that more skeptical viewers can empiricall­y appreciate to finally accept the notion that yes, three people can all love each other.

The film works best when it’s a romance story, one that honestly depicts the threesome’s hardships in making the brave decision to live together, despite the stigma and cruel, financiall­y crushing rejection from employers, friends and neighbours. It also lovingly portrays the fun, hilarious hijinks of such a relationsh­ip.

But that’s only half of the film’s story. The unemployed Marston decides to teach his radical DISC theory — now a ubiquitous personalit­y-type test employed in workplaces — through comic books. He bases his character Wonder Woman on the two loves of his life — the smart, no-nonsense Elizabeth and the kind, generous Olive — but the sexual imagery of his comic creations nabs the attention of child safety organizati­ons, who deem his work too smutty for kids.

It’s an understate­ment to say that Marston — and the ideas and practices of his Wonder Women — were ahead of their time.

Professor Marston is a sharp and satisfying mix of film genres — biopic, character study and the sorely missed rom-com — that advance sex positivity in a way rarely seen in mainstream cinema.

 ?? ANNAPURNA PICTURES ?? Bella Heathcote, left, and Rebecca Hall star in Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, a sharp and satisfying mix of film genres.
ANNAPURNA PICTURES Bella Heathcote, left, and Rebecca Hall star in Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, a sharp and satisfying mix of film genres.

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