Calgary Herald

Menopause and the middle-age spread

Keeping weight off requires more than just finding the right diet or exercise plan


It’s a rare woman who doesn’t complain about carrying a few extra pounds as she hits middle age. Much of the blame is placed on menopause, despite an absence of evidence proving declining estrogen is the sole reason women gain an average of 1.5 pounds per year during their fifth and sixth decade.

The fact that men also gain weight during this period suggests something besides menopause is the culprit. In fact, men are more likely to blame age, not hormones, for their weight gain.

As it turns out, aging and weight gain go hand in hand, regardless of gender or menopausal status. A slower calorie burn because of a decrease in muscle mass and an increased tendency for calories consumed to get stored as fat contribute to middle-age spread. Add a decrease in physical activity, and it’s no wonder your 50-year-old body looks remarkably different from your 30-year-old body.

However, added to the physiologi­cal changes that occur with age, other post-menopausal factors can contribute to weight gain. Less estrogen increases body fat and causes sleep and mood disturbanc­es, which is why weight gain in middle-age women is managed differentl­y than in middle-age men.

Why do a few extra pounds matter? Excess weight has consequenc­es, but where the weight accumulate­s can be cause for concern. Most middle-age women carry their weight around the middle, which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovasc­ular disease. Not so coincident­ally, heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women over the age of 50.

But that’s not the only consequenc­e. Metabolic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure and certain types of cancer are also more prevalent among overweight post-menopausal women. And since the amount of fat stored in the belly can reach 15 to 20 per cent of total body fat after menopause — compared to five to eight per cent among premenopau­sal women — strategies to reduce weight gain in middleage women are an important part of healthy aging.

That said, keeping weight off during middle age and beyond requires more than finding the right diet or exercise plan. It requires long-term lifestyle changes.

Women who enter middle age already physically active or who increase their level of physical activity after menopause are less likely to gain weight compared to those who don’t exercise. Making exercise a habit early in life pays off as you age.

It’s also important to understand that you’re going to need support to be successful. Be it in the form of family encouragem­ent when you choose to head out for a walk or bike ride, or profession­al support from a personal trainer to give you an exercise plan that can help you improve fitness and burn calories.

The same goes for changes in your diet. Don’t follow a diet that worked for your neighbour, colleague or one that’s promoted on your Facebook feed. Instead, consult with a dietitian to help you make changes that are healthy, sustainabl­e and geared toward your own goals.

As for other issues that can sabotage your efforts to lose weight, like a lack of sleep and changes in mood, consult with your doctor to find solutions.

Keep in mind, too, that medication isn’t the only answer when it comes to battling sleep and mood disorders. Exercise has a positive effect on sleep, energy levels and temperamen­t. So while heading out for a brisk walk or a yoga class when you’re tired may seem counterint­uitive, even a gentle workout will make you feel more energized and positive.

Finally, just wanting to change isn’t enough. It takes planning and action. Begin by identifyin­g habits that require adjusting, then start setting goals, acknowledg­ing setbacks, making adjustment­s and celebratin­g successes. The goal isn’t to lose that middle-age spread in six weeks, but rather to be trimmer, happier and healthier.

 ?? GETTY IMAGE/FILES ?? Weight gain is linked to aging, but other post-menopausal factors also play a part.
GETTY IMAGE/FILES Weight gain is linked to aging, but other post-menopausal factors also play a part.
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