Calgary Herald

BOWEN blazes new trails for human capital


The times, they are a changin’.

That’s certainly true with respect to today’s labour market.

And at the forefront of the new normal for employment in Calgary is one of Canada’s most innovative workforce solutions providers — BOWEN.

“Our organizati­on provides contractor workforce management and recruiting solutions for organizati­ons across the country,” says Shannon Bowen-Smed, president and chief executive officer of BOWEN.

But what sets the small company of about 45 employees apart from its larger competitor­s is its focus on innovation.

“It’s one of those things where you put your money where your mouth is,” she says.

“If we want to be an innovative and agile company that can consistent­ly shift gears in a fast-moving economy, then we have to create a culture that fosters an environmen­t that not only encourages but celebrates innovation in our own business,” adds Bowen-Smed.

So just how has the labour market changed in Alberta?

Well, besides significan­t cooling following a slump in the oil and gas sector, companies and workers alike are demanding more flexibilit­y.

Rather than taking the risk of hiring full-time employees, companies are looking to hire skilled workers on a contract basis for projects — particular­ly in oil and gas.

The new generation of skilled workers — millennial­s, for the most part — are increasing­ly seeking this kind of relationsh­ip, too.

And that’s where BOWEN really flexes its innovative muscle.

Not only does BOWEN help individual­s find contract and term work for their skills — generally lasting six months to two years — but it looks for future opportunit­ies, too.

“So when one job ends, they are lined up for another,” Bowen-Smed says.

On the employer side, BOWEN serves some of Calgary’s largest employers, often helping Fortune 500 companies contract out the dozens, if not hundreds, of skilled jobs required to scale up for large projects.

“We often literally sit on site with an organizati­on to augment their existing HR infrastruc­ture, so in many ways we might look, talk and act as though we are part of that organizati­on,” she says.

Because BOWEN plays both sides of the field, it is an important linchpin in today’s labour market.

And it will continue to be in the future because of its focus on innovation, BowenSmed says.

“It boils down to our ability to adjust quickly to market conditions as they change — without that, we wouldn’t be as successful as we are today.”

 ??  ?? Shannon Bowen-Smed, president and chief executive officer of BOWEN.
Shannon Bowen-Smed, president and chief executive officer of BOWEN.

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