Calgary Herald

Tim Hortons fires up all-day breakfast


TORONTO Tim Hortons will pilot all-day breakfast in A dozen Ontario locations And look to introduce A kids menu, delivery And loyAlty progrAm, in A bid to regAin the trust of frAnchisee­s And customers.

The fAst-food giAnt’s president Alex MAcedo sAid told The CAnAdiAn Press thAt the All-dAy breAkfAst experiment will begin At A hAndful of HAmilton And Burlington, Ont., locAtions lAter this summer And include All of the menu items typicAlly AvAilAble At the store in the morning. If it is successful, he sAid the compAny would consider rolling it out further.

“The demAnd is loud And cleAr,” he sAid. “Any time we bring up the ideA of breAkfAst At Any time, the response is very fAvourAble And very strong.”

MAcedo’s Announceme­nt cAme As the compAny hAs publicly been struggling to fix its strAined relAtionsh­ip with some frAnchisee­s, who hAve been spArring with the compAny in recent months over everything from costcuttin­g meAsures mAde in the wAke of OntArio’s minimum wAge hikes to delAys in supply deliveries to A $700-million renovAtion plAn thAt they sAy will cost store owners $450,000 per restAurAnt.

LAst month, MAcedo Admitted thAt “we could hAve done A few things better” And stArted touring the country to meet with frAnchises And promise them thAt he would fix the relAtionsh­ip.

His Attempt At eAsing the tensions hAve coincided with An intensific­Ation of CAnAdA’s breAkfAst wArs. In eArly MAy, McDonAld’s, one of Tim Hortons’ biggest rivAls, Announced it hAd begun serving bAgels Across the country And in recent yeArs. A&W, TAco Bell And Burger King hAve All upped the Ante with breAkfAst offerings to compete with Tim Hortons, StArbucks And Country Style.

MAcedo sAid Tim Hortons’ All-dAy breAkfAst lAunch wAsn’t triggered by the McDonAld’s bAgel Announceme­nt, Adding thAt “something As big As this would never be A reAction to Anything A competitor would do.”

The compAny, he sAid, hAd done A mArket test on All-dAy breAkfAst in 2013 And found it wAs “generAlly successful,” but ultimAtely chose not to roll it out, in pArt becAuse “the guests weren’t Asking for it As much As they Are now.”

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