Calgary Herald


- georgianic­

Moon alert: After 4 a.m., we’re clear to shop and do business. The moon is in Capricorn.

Aries (march 21 — April 19):

You’re in the minds and thoughts of others. Someone might be checking out your resume or your statistics or data. Someone might discuss private details about your personal life. Be aware of this.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20):

You have a yearning to do something different today. You’re restless for adventure. You want to travel or learn something new and exciting. Therefore, travel if possible. And if not, be a tourist in your own town.

Gemini (may 21 — June 20):

It’s appropriat­e to focus on red-tape details like taxes, debt, insurance issues, inheritanc­es, the shared wealth of others or jointly-held property. It’s dry stuff but it’s important.

Cancer (June 21 — July 22):

Because the moon is in a sign opposite your sign today, you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. This simply means you have to be accommodat­ing and co-operative. Basically, this is who you are all the time.

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22):

You’re gung ho to get better organized. You want to improve your game. Not only do you want to be effective, productive and efficient, you also want to be healthier.

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22):

Virgos are having a fun-loving, playful day! Take a long lunch. Leave work early. Meet friends for Happy Hour. Enjoy playful activities with children. Enjoy arts and crafts. Romance swoons dizzily along.

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22):

You’ll welcome a chance to cocoon at home because you feel the need to withdraw. This does not mean you feel anti-social. You’re entirely interested in others and curious about their welfare. But today, you want to rest and regroup.

Scorpio (oct. 23 — Nov. 21):

In conversati­on with others today, you want to get right down to the nitty-gritty of things. You will be impatient with superficia­l chitchat about the weather. You want the facts.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22 — DeC. 21):

You have money on your mind. Many of you are thinking of ways to boost your income. Actually, this is an excellent time to negotiate with others or divide shared property because you’ll come out laughing.

Capricorn (DeC. 22 — Jan. 19):

For the second day, the moon is in your sign making you a bit more emotional than usual. However, two days every month, when the moon is in your sign, you also get a bit of extra good luck!

Aquarius (jan. 20 — Feb. 18):

You prefer to be alone or work behind the scenes because you want to lie in the weeds. This gives you a chance to reassess and think about your health and how you can work more efficientl­y.

Pisces (feb. 19 — March 20):

A conversati­on with a female friend could be significan­t. It might be to your benefit to share your hopes for the future with this person because their feedback will help you.

If Your Birthday Is Today:

Actress Archie Panjabi (1972) shares your birthday. You’re intelligen­t and creative. You sometimes have a “tough guy” mask that can be misleading. This is a waitand-see year — slower paced. You need rest and rejuvenati­on. It’s a time of co-operation. Look for ways to practice kindness and be helpful to others. Be calm, cool and pleasant.

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