Calgary Herald

Ex-Stampeder’s trial slated for next year


Former Calgary Stampeder Jerome Messam will stand trial next year on a voyeurism charge.

Toronto lawyer Gavin Holder appeared in Calgary provincial court Tuesday to set hearing dates for next March and May for the exCFL running back.

Messam had been ordered to appear in court in person last week when duty counsel appeared for Holder and asked that the case be adjourned two weeks.

Provincial court Judge Sean Dunnigan, suggesting the delay was a “bit of a Toronto move,” had ordered the former CFLer to make a personal appearance because the case was dragging on.

But Holder was able to alleviate the court’s concerns by appearing himself Tuesday and scheduling trial dates, preventing the need for Messam to attend until next March.

Outside court, Holder said a communicat­ion problem led to the inaccurate suggestion he was trying to delay matters.

“I was in the middle of a jury trial,” Holder said.

“The issue was an apparent lack of communicat­ion which has been resolved,” he said. “The process is underway.”

Holder said Messam, who was cut from the Saskatchew­an Roughrider­s as a result of his charge and CFL teams have been barred from signing him to a contract, is eager to have his day in court.

“As you obviously know, Mr. Messam is entitled to the presumptio­n of innocence,” Holder said.

“It’s a difficult time for him … as a family man this is a difficult process.”

The case will sit for one day in March to determine the admissibil­ity of a statement by Messam, before three additional days in May.

Messam is charged with voyeurism in connection with an incident in November 2016 in Calgary, when he was a member of the Stampeders.

He was released from the Roughrider­s when the charge came to light in July.

Calgary police said the charge “relates to the alleged videotapin­g of a consensual sexual encounter with a victim. It is alleged the videotapin­g was done without the person’s consent.”

 ??  ?? Jerome Messam
Jerome Messam

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