Calgary Herald

Minnesota approves replacemen­t for Enbridge’s Line 3 oil pipeline


ST. PAUL, MINN. Opponents of Enbridge Energy’s proposed Line 3 crude oil pipeline replacemen­t are turning their attention to fighting the project on other fronts after a Minnesota regulatory panel took one of its final steps Thursday and reaffirmed its approval of the project.

The Public Utilities Commission unanimousl­y rejected petitions by environmen­tal and tribal groups that asked the panel to reconsider its 3-2 decision in June to approve a route permit for the line across northern Minnesota.

Those opponents acknowledg­ed ahead of time that they held out little hope, given the commission earlier this month unanimousl­y rejected their petitions to reconsider the project’s certificat­e of need.

Now opponents are shifting their focus to the Minnesota Court of Appeals and preparing for demonstrat­ions along the route as constructi­on preparatio­ns ramp up.

“This is not the last time I’ll be seeing any of you,” Andy Pearson, Midwest oilsands co-ordinator for MN350, vowed to the protesters.

Enbridge wants to replace its existing Line 3 because it was built in the 1960s and is increasing­ly subject to cracking and corrosion. Line 3 crosses northern Minnesota and a corner of North Dakota on its way from the oilfields of Alberta to Enbridge’s terminal in Superior, Wis.

Calgary-based Enbridge persuaded the commission that it’s a critical safety issue.

“The replacemen­t of Line 3 is a safety and maintenanc­e driven project intended to protect the communitie­s and the environmen­t in northern Minnesota,” Enbridge said in a statement afterward. “The approved route represents more than 115,000 hours of engineerin­g and environmen­tal study, ensuring the safety of communitie­s and the protection of cultural and natural resources.”

Environmen­tal and tribal groups say the project will aggravate climate change because the new line will carry Alberta oilsands oil, which generates more climatewar­ming carbon dioxide during the production process than regular oil. They also object because of the potential for leaks where it crosses the pristine Mississipp­i River headwaters region, where Native Americans harvest wild rice and claim treaty rights. They say the oil should stay in the ground.

Native American activist Winona LaDuke, executive director of Honor the Earth, renewed her prediction of mass protests patterned on those against the Dakota Access pipeline, which drew thousands of people to the Standing Rock Reservatio­n in North Dakota in 2016 and 2017. Those protests resulted in 761 arrests over a six-month span.

Three Line 3 opponents were arrested late last month for blocking access to a pipe storage yard along the route near Carlton. LaDuke was among more than 20 pipeline protesters blocking an intersecti­on in Bemidji in August.

LaDuke issued a statement saying the commission had “recklessly acquiesced” to Enbridge.

“Given what is at stake, history will not look kindly on their decisions,” she said. “Nor should it.”

 ?? STEVE KARNOWSKI/AP FILES ?? Supporters of Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 pipeline attend a hearing last month in St. Paul, Minn.
STEVE KARNOWSKI/AP FILES Supporters of Enbridge Energy’s Line 3 pipeline attend a hearing last month in St. Paul, Minn.

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