Calgary Herald



LONDON • Seven British lawmakers quit the main opposition Labour Party on Monday over its approach to Brexit and anti-Semitism — the biggest shakeup in years for one of Britain’s major political parties.

The announceme­nt ripped open a long-simmering rift between socialists and centrists in the party, which sees itself as the representa­tive of Britain’s working class. It’s also the latest fallout from Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, which has split both of the country’s two main parties — Conservati­ves and Labour — into pro-Brexit and pro-EU camps.

Many Labour lawmakers have been unhappy with the party’s direction under leader Jeremy Corbyn, a veteran socialist who took charge in 2015 with strong grassroots backing. They accuse Corbyn of mounting a weak opposition to Conservati­ve Prime Minister Theresa May’s plans for leaving the EU, and of failing to stamp out a vein of anti-Semitism in the party.

The seven members of Parliament said they will continue to sit in the House of Commons as the newly formed Independen­t Group.

They have between nine and 27 years’ experience in Parliament and represent constituen­cies across England but still make up only a small fraction of Labour’s 256 lawmakers, or of the 650 total members of Parliament. But this is the biggest split in the Labour Party since four senior members quit in 1981 to form the Social Democratic Party.

Luciana Berger, one of those who quit Monday, said Labour had become “institutio­nally anti-Semitic.”

“I am leaving behind a culture of bullying, bigotry and intimidati­on,” the 37-year-old politician said at a news conference alongside six colleagues.

Labour leaders have admitted that Berger, who is Jewish and pregnant, has been bullied by some members of her local party in northwest England.

Labour has been riven by allegation­s that the party has become hostile to Jews under Corbyn, a longtime supporter of the Palestinia­ns. Corbyn’s supporters accuse political opponents and right-wing media of misreprese­nting his views.

There have long been signs that British voters’ 2016 decision to leave the EU could spark a major overhaul of British politics. May’s own Conservati­ves are in the throes of a civil war between the party’s pro-Brexit and proEU wings. Labour is also split.

Many Labour members oppose Brexit — which is scheduled to take place on March 29 — and want the party to fight to hold a new national referendum that could keep Britain in the 28-nation bloc.

But Corbyn, who spent decades criticizin­g the EU before becoming a lukewarm convert to the “remain” cause in the 2016 referendum, is reluctant to do anything that could be seen as defying voters’ decision to leave.

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