Calgary Herald

Keystone XL a political football


Premier Kenney vowing that he can convince Joe Biden to allow Keystone XL to be built is nothing more than political balderdash designed to portray himself as a fighter for Albertans. Kenney knows that Biden, undoubtedl­y the next U.S. president, has stated on several recent occasions that he will revoke the Keystone XL border crossing permit when elected.

If Kenney was a real fighter for Albertans, he, like the late Peter Lougheed — the best premier this province ever had — would oppose Keystone XL, work to add value to our resources in-province to stop exporting jobs to Texas, and fight Ottawa for efficient, high-capacity access to tidewater at Prince Rupert, B. C. — the safest location for marine terminals, according to the Ottawa’s own exhaustive evaluation.

Mike Priaro, Calgary

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