Canadian Cycling Magazine



Follow these dietary strategies to make this off-season your healthiest ever

Put pen to paper

Research shows that keeping a food diary can help keep the flab at bay. Food diaries can unveil certain poor eating habits, such as overeating at night, weekend weakness or unnecessar­y snacking. Keep a record of the time, place, items eaten and quantities consumed. Review your intake and circle things you can improve upon like that extra layer of peanut butter on your toast.

Start roughing it

Loading up on dietary fibre can help knock out hunger by slowing down digestion and helping prevent drastic blood sugar swings. Be sure your off-season eating plan includes plenty of fibre-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

Hide and seek

A Cornell University study found that people who left snack-style foods, such as boxed cereal, on their kitchen counters were more likely to pack on the pounds than those who left healthier fare like fresh fruit out in the open. It comes down to eating more of what is easy to get your hands on, so make that a bowl of apples instead of a bag of chips.

Slow down

In our hurry-up society, it’s all too easy to shovel down your meals and snacks. Research shows that those who consume their food at a slower pace, such as chewing more thoroughly, are better able to control their calorie intake. Laggard eating gives your brain a better chance to register satiety.

Start big

Many people eat most of their calories toward the end of the day. To win the battle of the bulge, however, consider loading up at breakfast and tapering down from there. Studies show eating a greater proportion of your daily calories at breakfast can result in lower calorie intake overall by improving measures of satiety.

Munch then shop

Nibble on a healthy snack before grocery shopping. Shoppers who crunched their way through an apple before purchasing their groceries ended up selecting 25 per cent more fruits and vegetables, according to researcher­s at Cornell University.

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