Canadian Cycling Magazine

Motivation to Ride

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Although I have always ridden a bike, it was not until July of this past year that I started to cycle seriously. I bought a Giant Defy Advanced 2. The plan was to go for a few short rides a week for health and fitness, but that plan soon changed. Your magazine is part of the reason I had the motivation and confidence to enter and complete my first 100-km ride in September. Your articles showed me that it was something within my reach. I could not believe how much fun that was. It was the first time I was part of a group and cannot wait until later this year when I plan to to join an actual club. Another plan was to put the bike away in mid-october. But I bought cold-weather gear, and then enjoyed a nice 50-km ride on country roads at a balmy 2 C. In part, this was due to your Twitter feed, which makes me feel a little guilty when I am not on my bike. David Stewart


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