Canadian Living

My hair was thinning!

Maya was shocked by the change in her hair. Fullness and volume were replaced by thinness and lifeless hair. She had to do something. Here is her story:


The hair I found in my brush, in the shower and on my cardigan was unfamiliar to me. It was thinning like never before. How could this be happening?

I had to do something

I found out my mother experience­d the same problems when she was younger, and she simply accepted her fate. But so much of my personalit­y is in my hair, and I did not want to have the same problems. I had read about the importance of hair nutrients, so I decided to focus on the inside rather than on the outside, and went looking for a good supplement.

My hair now feels fuller

I was recommende­d a natural product called Hair Volume™. I have now used it for 2 months DQG , DP UHDOO\ VDWLVÀHG ZLWK WKH product. My hair feels full and healthy and even my nails feel much stronger. The shedding has also almost stopped. This is proof to me that proper nutrition on the inside helps you look your best on the outside. I highly recommend Hair Volume to women who have the same issues as I had.” Maya N., Sweden

Hair Volume ™ is a Swedish hair tablet that nourishes your hair from the inside. Hair Volume is produced by New Nordic, the n°1 supplier of natural health products in Scandinavi­a.

Available at participat­ing pharmacies, health food stores and online. For more informatio­n or to purchase online visit our website or call: 1-877-696-6734

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