Canadian Living

Hot Reads

From a time-travelling love story to a family in distress, these hot-off-the-press novels are too good to put down.


When Karen left her house one night, she left her purse and phone at home, the front door unlocked and dinner partially cooked. By the time she was discovered later that evening, she’d been in a near-fatal car accident in the bad part of town and was suffering from shock-induced amnesia. Worse still, the body of a gunshot victim was found nearby. Karen’s husband, Tom, wants to believe she had nothing to do with the murder, but the detectives don’t—and Brigid, a nosy neighbour from across the street, seems oddly desperate for answers. But there are things no one is willing to explain: Why is Tom so tense with Brigid? Why is Karen so vague about her past? Who keeps entering Tom and Karen’s home? And what on Earth happened on the night in question?

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