Canadian Running



For spinal flexion/ extension: Cat/Cow

1 On an inhale, drop your belly button towards the floor (‘cow’ shape) 2 Your gaze lifts towards the ceiling 3 Allow shoulder blades to reach towards each other 4 On an exhale, arch your back so that your bellybutto­n reaches to ceiling (‘cat’ shape) 5 Your gaze lowers to the floor 6 Feel space increase between the shoulder blades

For spinal rotation

1 Lie on your side 2 Bring your opposite knee up towards your chest and hold it down with your side-down hand 3 Twist your body to the opposite side, aiming for the floor with your shoulder blade. 4 Your arm is up at 145 degrees 5 Switch sides and repeat.

For spinal side flexion (left side-flexion)

1 Stand two feet away from wall 2 Cross your left foot over your right 3 Push your hips toward the right, allowing your front knee to bend 4 Reach both hands together to the left, creating a “C” curve with your body

Diaphragm breathing

1 Do this in the morning and also evening while you are already lying on your back 2 Put one hand on your belly, and the other on your chest 3 For one full minute, make sure that when you inhale, only your belly hand rises 4 This will slowly retrain your diaphragm to engage as your primary breathing muscle, rather than your chest and neck muscles that won’t get you the oxygen you need for long-distance training— CF

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