Canadian Running


- Clint Cherepa is a freelance writer and runner currently based in Nicaragua.

Make Drastic Changes

When beginning good habits, it is best to start slowly. Don’t try to wake up two hours earlier. Instead wake up 10–30 minutes earlier than usual. Try this out for a couple of weeks and then get up even earlier if you want to.

Sleep Late

Staying up late equals sleeping late. Burning the midnight oil is the perfect way to sabotage your early morning run. Turn off the TV and internet, as these are the usual companions of late nights. Try to slowly go to bed earlier and earlier as you wake up earlier. Don’t skimp on sleep because it will only add to fatigue and injury.

Keep the Alarm Clock Close to Your Bed

Hitting the snooze button is extra easy when your alarm is within arm’s reach. By keeping your alarm away from your bed you will be forced to get out of bed to turn it off. And, since your up, you might as well stay up.

Lay Back Down After You Shut Off the Alarm

Laying back down in bed is just asking for trouble. Chances are that once your head returns to the pillow it will be staying there. So muster up the willpower to turn on the lights and get the coffee brewing.


When you wake up, you are at your weakest. Your mind can find dozens of reasons to skip out on the early morning run. Don’t give it the chance to rationaliz­e. Just think, this run is not optional.

Have No Reason

Motivation to get out and run comes with good reasons. Do you have a race coming up? Go to bed with a reason in mind for running the next morning. Consider how hard it will be to fit it in later in the day, or how nice it will be to come home from work and chill with the family because your training is complete for the day.

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