Canadian Wildlife

In the Wild

Each province and territory chooses an animal to be one of its provincial symbols. Here’s what’s happening this season with a few of these species:



BULL TROUT Migratory bull trout are heading to spawning grounds. Spawning season starts in mid-august.


GREAT GREY OWL The great grey owl, North America’s largest owl species, is still raising young born in late spring. It’s most visible when it’s hunting at dawn or dusk.


WOODLAND CARIBOU Woodland caribou are spending time grazing in open terrain. Calves are just a few months old.


GYRFALCON The gyrfalcon is the largest species of falcon. In the summer, with breeding season over, these falcons return to living and hunting alone.

To learn more about what’s going on in the wild, check Hinterland Who’s Who at


CANADIAN INUIT DOG This dog breed, whose name in Inuktitut is Qimmiq, is one of the rarest purebred dogs left in the world. As well as being a companion, it’s an essential member of sled dog teams thanks to its stocky build.


SNOWY OWLS Snowy owls are in the midst of their breeding season, which takes place in the summer in Canada’s Arctic. They’ll head south for winter in search of better hunting.

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