Cape Breton Post

Health-care system a mess


I recently read in the Cape Breton Post a story about a 96-year-old Glace Bay woman who waited for four-and-a-half hours in an emergency room without being seen by a doctor (Port Morien man says ER triage rules need dose of common sense, June 16). This despite the fact she had to vomit at one point.

Her son checked with a nurse because his mother was so ill and was told there were four patients ahead of her. She told him that everyone was equal in the hospital.

I’m sorry but I don’t agree. Patients who are really sick shouldn’t have to wait so long. Use common sense.

It’s scary to get sick today and some people are let out of hospital too soon. I heard of a lady who had her breast removed and was allowed to go home only hours later. That’s too soon.

I hope our politician­s try to make our hospital system better. Our hospital emergency rooms should be open 24/7 but I see in the paper the Northside General Hospital was closed for three days recently.

We are sick of hearing about shortages of doctors to do the shifts. If they all took their turns we wouldn’t be so short. Hire more nurses too if they’re short.

A lot of people are sent to the Cape Breton Regional Hospital where they wait for hours, which shouldn’t be. When a person is sick they find it hard to get to their own hospital let alone having to travel to another one. I know people who couldn’t get to the hospital when they should have gone. Either no one was available to take them or they didn’t want to travel to Sydney being not well, or didn’t want the long wait at the Sydney hospital.

Our health-care system is a mess and it needs to be fixed. Mickey Bushnik Sydney Mines

I’ve come to learn some things as I’ve gotten older.

No matter what you do or say, there will always be someone who disagrees with it — no matter how good your intentions may be.

There will always be people who dislike you and it doesn’t matter anymore. Sometimes it’ll be for what you say and at other times it will be for what you don’t say. And there will be other times someone will dislike you because you have poor fashion sense, for your politics and a host of other things you believe. It’s coming to terms with this that takes time.

The people who like you and love you will always outnumber the people who don’t.

I don’t mind lineups as much as I used to. It gives me a chance to chat.

I’ve learned that since becoming a parent there is no such thing as perfect parent. Because of this I now know that my parents gave me unconditio­nal love in my first few years of life even though I don’t remember it because I can’t recall anything before the age of four.

You don’t need a whole lot of money to enjoy life. You just need enough.

It’s important to know no one is better than anyone else no matter your education, your job or the money you have because in the end we ‘all go to zero.’

No one gets to deserve to be the first in line. No one deserves better treatment. We are all the same.

Laughter really is the best medicine and a perfect cure to a bad day.

You speak your mind more because you feel more comfortabl­e in your own skin.

You end up in more trouble because you speak your mind.

We continuall­y reinvent ourselves. I know I’m not the same person I was 30, 20 or even 10 yeas ago.

I no longer care if socks and sandals don’t go together. Bill Fiander Sydney

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