Cape Breton Post

Heart finds a way around bundle branch block

- Keith Roach Dr. Roach regrets he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Email ques tions to ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell .edu or request available health newsletter­s at 628 Virginia Dr., Orland

DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a female, age 70, 5 feet, 4 inches tall and 125 pounds. I have no problems with cholestero­l, diabetes or blood pressure. I do not take any medication­s, just vitamins. I take dance exercise classes and walk often. I recently went for my checkup and found that I have a left bundle branch block. How did I get this? Is there anything I can do?

Do I continue taking exercise classes, or will it make my heart worse? At about the age of 6, I was told I had scarlatina. I had to take penicillin for a year and had a heart murmur. The murmur went away in my 40s. — Anon.

ANSWER: The bundle branches carry electrical impulses inside the heart, and in the ventricle, there are two main branches — the left bundle branch and the right. A left bundle branch block is the blockage of one of the main “wires” to the heart. Fortunatel­y, the impulse still can be carried across the muscle cells, so usually there are no symptoms, and you need not make changes to your busy lifestyle. Your doctor will have done a careful checkup on you, since other heart issues, including blockages in the arteries and a weakened heart muscle, sometimes are associated with LBBB.

Scarlet fever (I like the delightful­ly old-fashioned term “scarlatina”) is a complicati­on of strep throat and is occasional­ly confused with rheumatic fever, another complicati­on. Scarlet fever causes a characteri­stic rash with a sandpaper quality, whereas rheumatic fever can cause permanent damage to heart valves. Scarlet fever does not affect the heart.

Most people with bundle branch block have an excellent prognosis; however, if there is further damage to your conduction system, you likely will need a permanent pacemaker. I would not stop your exercise classes.

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