Cape Breton Post

Audit into Richmond County council expenses going ahead

Issue was defeated in tied vote in December


Richmond County councillor­s voted unanimousl­y Tuesday night to move ahead with a forensic audit of council travel and other expenses incurred over the past five years. It’s a reversal from last fall when a routine random check of business expenses over a four-month period by the municipali­ty’ s auditors, Grant Thornton, turned up charges for such things as airline ticket changes for a spouse, valet parking and liquor store charges.

A reimbursem­ent for alcoholic purchases isn’t permitted by policy.

In December the motion seeking a forensic audit was denied when councillor­s chose sides and it resulted in a tied vote, killing the motion.

Steve Sampson, who served as warden for two years following the 2012 election, voted against the idea of an expensive forensic audit when it was first brought before council.

At the time he didn’t believe it was warranted because of the cost and the fact the municipal- ity’s auditors had made 20 recommenda­tions to improve the level of transparen­cy when filing municipal business expenses.

On Wednesday he said he voted for the forensic audit because, “it is not so much a changing of my mind as it is maybe trying to appease everyone at the table as we try to get back to work at the job we’re elected to do.”

He said persistent “rumours and innuendo” in the community spread mostly through social media about possible criminal activity taking place were also factors in his decision to seek a forensic audit.

Although it hasn’t been formally decided, Sampson said he expects Grant Thornton would undertake the forensic audit because the accounting firm is most knowledgea­ble of the council expense issue.

The provincial Ombudsman’s Office has also launched investigat­ion after residents complained of improper spending by councillor­s and senior staff a couple of months ago.

It’s unclear how long the review by the Ombudsman’s Office will take.

Council has already voted to implement recommenda­tions from its auditor, including posting all travel expenses online.

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