Cape Breton Post

‘Yanks love their guns more than their kids’

Website comments tackle everything from Archibald’s Wharf to Veterans Affairs, a straw bale house and a purse thief


Here’s a sampling of reader feedback this week at capebreton­post. com.

Re: Archibald’s Wharf decision a mistake — July 23

It a mazes me how they make it sound like Indian Beach or Munro Park is on the other side of the country.

— Bill

I think that because the company didn’t honour the terms of its agreement, the decision can be reversed if we elect the right council

— Jordan

I would like to see candidates from every district to express their opinion on this issue.

— Michael M.

We need people who care enough to speak out against wrong doing when we perceive it to be so, not people who see nothing wrong in what happened here, criticize, be silent, and agree with bad choices.

— Donna S.

I remember the old Archibald Wharf, too. I remember how empty it was most of the time.

— Cat H.

Re: Cape Breton straw bale house warm in winter, cool in summer — July 27

That is a cool idea or should I say warm idea. We need more ideas like that.

— Michael M. Re: Sydney veteran to receive medal from France — July 28

I just want to thank all those who served in The Second World War as they were all volunteers, and our country, and our life is so good because of so many unnamed heroes those that came home, and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.

— Margaret S.

Re: Sydney thief asked to return stolen goods — July 28

Like thieves read the paper and are going to comply — yeah, they do it all the time.

— Caper

Maybe she wrote the letter in hopes that others wouldn’t suffer the same fate you keyboard warrior s.

— Nonya Re: ‘The war is over’ — July 28 How about doing something useful like fight for the removal of the New Veterans Charter and reinstate monthly pensions for disabled veterans.

— Darrell C.

Hopefully the higher ups also had enough vision to re-hire the knowledgea­ble and experience­d staff they so haphazardl­y cast aside during this boondoggle and return to business as usual.

— Step Forward

Re: Is age four too young for school? — July 26

My son was three going on four in December 2011, he went to school on a bus everyday for half a day. He loved it, I, on the other hand thought he was too young. — Mare

Re: Pam Frampton: America: shot through the heart, again — July 27

Yanks love their guns more than their kids. Sandy Hook proves this beyond question.

— Pizza Tongs

First, provide us with evidence that we are living in the liberal utopia of a non-violent society, and then we’ll consider your suggestion that everyone disarm.

— SJW Re: Disputed territory — July 28 We have one group funded by the taxpayer taking legal action against another group funded by the taxpayer. The taxpayer loses either way.

— Confuzed

Re: Cape Breton hospice society to meet with province — July 27

The facility is so needed in this area.

— Finally

Re: Article left a terrible impression — July 28

We do have more streets, but it’s still up to the people to keep the area clean.

— Ken

The problem of public littering is neither the result of population density nor the presence of drivethru coffee shops and drive-thru restaurant­s — it’s the predictabl­e result of the socioecono­mic class of those who patronize such places.

— Andrew M.

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