Cape Breton Post

IOC board to review Rio final preparatio­ns, Russia doping


Less than a week before the opening of the Olympics, IOC leaders will meet in Rio de Janeiro this weekend to review the final preparatio­ns for the games and deal with the fallout from the doping scandal that has led to the exclusion of more than 100 Russian athletes.

The Internatio­nal Olympic Committee’s ruling executive board opens a two-day meeting on Saturday, its last formal gathering before next Friday night’s opening ceremony at the Maracana stadium.

The meeting comes less than a week after the IOC board decided not to ban Russia’s entire team from the games because of state-sponsored doping. Rejecting calls by more than a dozen antidoping agencies for a complete ban on Russia, the IOC left it to individual sports federation­s to vet which athletes could compete or not.

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said Friday that, so far, 272 of the country’s athletes had been cleared by internatio­nal federation­s, out of an original team of 387. More than 100, however, have been barred _ including the track and field team banned by the IAAF and more than 30 other athletes rejected under new IOC eligibilit­y criteria.

Russia’s eight-member weightlift­ing team was kicked out of the games on Friday for what the internatio­nal federation called “extremely shocking’’ doping results that brought the sport into “disrepute.’’

The IOC has been roundly criticized by anti-doping bodies, athletes groups and Western media for not imposing a total ban on Russia. Pressure for the full sanction followed a World AntiDoping Agency report by Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren that accused Russia’s sports ministry of overseeing a vast doping conspiracy involving the country’s summer and winter sports athletes.

Bach has defended the decision as protecting individual athletes from collective punishment.

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