Cape Breton Post

Time to bring back blood donor clinic


Over the past few months I have heard news reports regarding shortages of blood donations in the Maritimes and across the country.

Having been a longtime donor since 1973, when I was in a serious car accident, I was very irate to hear that our local blood donor clinic would be closing its doors. This was in April 2015, a day after my 157th donation, when a news report stated our Grand Lake Road clinic would be closed and replaced with a mobile unit. To add insult to injury we were informed that this mobile unit would only come as far as Port Hawkesbury.

As for the rest of industrial Cape Breton donors, we were left with the option of a three-hour round trip to Port Hawkesbury if we chose to continue to donate.

Shortly after our Sydney clinic closed I received an invitation for a ceremony honouring me on my 150th donation, the only catch being the fact that it was being held in Halifax. Nothing like adding salt to the wounds. Needless to say I did not attend, but a framed plaque was mailed to me, which I am very proud of.

I still continue to carry my blood donor card in my wallet in the hope that someone will come to their senses and bring the mobile clinic to Sydney. Donors who were deprived of the opportunit­y to willingly give the gift of life would appreciate it.

If not, could the representa­tives of the Canadian Blood Services refrain from making news reports of blood shortages? It’s insulting to all the donors and fine staff who ran our Sydney clinic for many years. David Langlois Sydney River

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