Cape Breton Post

Sex assault complainan­ts turn to human rights tribunal


The challenges of criminally prosecutin­g sexual assault cases have some complainan­ts turning to human rights tribunals in an effort to bring about systemic change and seek restitutio­n.

The latest case involves a complaint by a woman against the University of Toronto that was filed with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario earlier this month.

Tamsyn Riddle alleged that after being sexually assaulted by a student on campus two years ago, she reported the incident to the university rather than to police in part because she worried she’d be further traumatize­d by the criminal justice system.

After finding the university’s process distressin­g and unhelpful, Riddle, who agreed to be identified, sought advice from other sexual assault complainan­ts and eventually chose to approach the rights tribunal about the school’s handling of her case.

“Me filing a human rights case was more to get the sense of justice that I was seeking when I first initially reported, but also to make sure that other survivors can report to their school ... and have a better experience than I did,’’ she said.

Riddle, who got involved with the campus advocacy group Silence is Violence last year, said there is now greater discussion among sexual assault complainan­ts about seeking accountabi­lity through the civil system as well as — or sometimes instead of — the criminal court.

While there is no data on the prevalence of civil sexual assault complaints, which include those made to human rights tribunals as well as lawsuits and other channels, there now appears to be more awareness of those options, experts said.

And while complainan­ts should not abandon criminal prosecutio­n, there are distinct advantages to pursuing civil avenues, they said.

“The civil context is seen as a fairer process because the parties are more on an even keel,’’ said Marcy Segal, a former criminal lawyer who now focuses on civil litigation.

The threshold for a criminal conviction is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, much higher than what’s needed in a civil case, which only requires the evidence to show that something is more likely true than not, said Segal, who has represente­d several sexual assault complainan­ts.

Mandi Gray, a PhD student at Toronto’s York University whose sexual assault spurred a criminal conviction and a human rights case against her university, said both routes serve their purpose and both are difficult on complainan­ts, who must endure having their experience and trauma challenged.

“The question at the human rights tribunal was whether or not the response to my disclosure of sexual assault was discrimina­tory. The question at the criminal trial was whether or not I was sexually assaulted,’’ she said.

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