Cape Breton Post

Time for a break

Body needs rest from chemo

- Kathy Golemiec

Hey there, it’s me Kathy. So how was your week? Mine was a lot of on-the-go. But the weather has been great.

I went to see my oncologist on Monday. He told me he was giving me the summer off the chemo because most people take it for about six months and I have been on it for 18 months.

The heart specialist thinks I need a break because so much of that chemo could cause me to have a heart attack. That’s why she wants me to stay on the heart pills I’m taking because they are acting as a prevention against the chemo, causing heart problems. The chemo has been working at slowing the cancer down and it’s making some spots better.

I told him the thing that scares me is that the cancer will start growing again. He told me if it does then we will start the drug again.

He said you know you never will be cured. I know that but I don’t want to give up fighting. He said you’re not giving up - we are just making sure I am strong enough for the next attack.

I still have to take the bone filler IV and I have to have a scan done within the three months to see what’s going on with the cancer. He said I may get weeks off, months or even a year off if it decides to stay the way it is. I am hoping it’s for a while.

The doctor said that it will give my body a chance to heal a bit from all the chemo and I should get some energy back. That would be great.

I would also like to get some feeling back into my fingers. Send me some good vibes and lots of prayers. My father came with me to my appointmen­t.

I went to Truro and stayed the night with Janet and dad. I went to the SPCA in Truro to see if they had any puppies or small dogs but they were all big. If anyone knows of anyone that needs a home for a small dog that’s under 20 pounds and likes to cuddle and not bite me call the New Glasgow News and give them your number.

I dropped into the paper and while I was in town I met a few of my readers and they stopped to say hi. They weren’t really sure if it was me or not so when I got back home I went in to the The News and had my picture redone so you can see the difference in a year.

The next morning dad and I went to the airport to pick up my granddaugh­ter Vada. She is here visiting me for almost a month. I am so happy to have her here with me - someone to talk to other than my plants seems strange.

I went to town today and stopped in the New Beginnings shop. If you have never been there you should drop in and check it out. It is located in the Summer St. building. All the money you spend there goes stays there to help Summer Street.

Clients run the store. Everything is washed, dried and ironed by the clients and hung up. Their merchandis­e is in good shape and top quality. You’ll find Clark’s shoes, just like new (they didn’t fit, darn) for $5 and tops for $4. They have a fitting room like you would find in any of the top name brand stores. Drop by and say hi and have a look. You will also find them on Facebook. They have a monthly auction on their face book page.

In Westville we have the flag crossings now but as far as I can see not many people are using them. Halifax has them and people use them. When you want to cross the street you take a flag and carry it with you out in front and when you get to the other side you put the flag in the holder on that side of the street. There should be a flag on both sides of the street in the holders. We are really moving on up.

My pain level this week is five so that’s great. Weight-wise, I’m at 138.6. Death really makes you think of living. My Uncle John passed away last week. He had a good life and many friends. He was liked by everyone. That’s how I want to be remembered.

I have always tried to live a good life and I am nice to everyone. I never hold a grudge. I love it when people I don’t even know come up and hug me and when people tell me my column helps so many people understand what it’s like to be dying and still living at the same time. I am not scared of death but I still have a lot to write about and share so I would like to be able to stay around for a while more.

Well folks have a good week. And yes the strawberri­es are ready.

Kathy Golemiec is a native of Glace Bay who now lives in Pictou County. She is outlining her journey with cancer each week through this column. She can be reached at The News, PO Box 159, New Glasgow, N.S. B2H 5E3.

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