Cape Breton Post

Lingan Days all about community


A big tent will soon be set up in Lingan and it is all about bringing the community together.

Lingan Days festivitie­s are back for another year and will run Aug. 10-12.

Shirley MacIntyre, president of the Lingan Heritage Society, said money raised will go towards the festival and maintainin­g the Lingan Community Centre.

“Although it’s nice to be able to make a profit to help with maintenanc­e of the Lingan hall through the winter, the main focus of Lingan Days is the community,” she said.

“We are like a little 300-plus village. It’s about keeping the momentum going, about bringing the community together.”

This is the fourth year the community has celebrated Lingan Days. First organized to celebrate the 300th anniversar­y of the community, it was such a success it has become an annual event.

This year the festival will include a round and square dance at the Lingan hall on Aug. 10, live entertainm­ent under the big tent on Aug. 11 and Rock-It on Aug. 12.

On Aug. 12 there will also be a children’s Halloween party at the Lingan Community Centre.

MacIntyre said there are a lot

of costs associated with these events.

“Our society has received some (financial) help and we are appreciati­ve to everyone who has helped in anyway.”

The community hall is used for everything from children’s parties to darts to gatherings after a funeral.

“We call one another and make sandwiches and we’re there.”

MacIntyre said they want to hold more events at the hall including yoga classes for seniors.

“We just want it to be used by everybody.”

MacIntyre said the society has terrific volunteers but they welcome anyone wishing to join.

To volunteer or for more informatio­n telephone MacIntyre at 902-217-0189.

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