Cape Breton Post

Court quashes seismic testing in Clyde River


The Inuit Hamlet of Clyde River won a nearly six-year battle Wednesday to stop seismic testing in the Arctic that could kill or maim the marine mammals upon which they rely for food and jobs.

The Supreme Court unanimousl­y ruled the National Energy Board failed miserably at properly consulting Inuit and didn’t adequately assess the impact on treaty and Indigenous rights of the proposed oil and gas exploratio­n project before approving it in 2014.

The court quashed the NEB’s approval, meaning the testing cannot proceed.

In a separate but related decision, the court upheld the approval granted to Enbridge to reverse the flow and increase capacity of its Line 9 pipeline between Ontario and Quebec.

In that case, also a unanimous decision, the court found the NEB properly consulted the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation in southweste­rn Ontario.

In both cases, the court upheld that the NEB is capable and allowed to fulfil the Crown’s duty to consult Indigenous groups about developmen­t projects in their traditiona­l territorie­s, as long as that consultati­on is robust.

“What an exciting day for us,’’ said Jerry Natanine, the former mayor of Clyde River. “We’ve been saying justice is on our side because we’re fighting for our life, we’re fighting for our way of life.’’

Natanine clutched an eagle feather as he spoke in soft tones of the years-long battle that pitted his tiny, remote hamlet of about 1,100 people against three Norwegian companies seeking to fire air guns into the waters of Baffin Bay and Davis Straight looking for oil.

“We are not totally against developmen­t, but it has to be done right,’’ Natanine said. “You know whales don’t have to die, seals don’t have to die off, or plankton. There’s a better way to do these things.’’

A spokeswoma­n for the NEB said the agency is reviewing the court decision.

“We always want to make sure our hearing processes are fair, timely, accessible and transparen­t,’’ wrote Sarah Kiley in an email. “Our focus right now will be on how we can advance our processes towards meeting those objectives in the future.’’

A lawyer for the companies said none were in a position to make a statement Wednesday.

The difference between the two decisions largely stemmed from the fact that in the Clyde River case the NEB looked at the environmen­tal impacts of the testing, but didn’t specifical­ly look at or address the impact on treaty rights.

The court said the Inuit had treaty rights in the region, including the right to harvest marine mammals, and it was also undisputed that the seismic testing could harm mammals like whales and seals, damaging their hearing, affecting their migration routes and even killing them.

That assessment meant the Crown’s duty to consult was “at the highest end of the spectrum,’’ but the consultati­ons “fell short in several respects,’’ the court found.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Jerry Natanine, community leader and former mayor of Clyde River, speaks during a press conference on Parliament Hill following a ruling at the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa on Wednesday.
AP PHOTO Jerry Natanine, community leader and former mayor of Clyde River, speaks during a press conference on Parliament Hill following a ruling at the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa on Wednesday.

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