Cape Breton Post

Get away from controllin­g partner

- Ellie Tesher Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email Follow @ellieadvic­e. Copyright 2017: Ellie Tesher Distribute­d by: Torstar Syndicatio­n Services


: Eighteen months ago, I moved our entire home out one day while my husband was at work.

The reason? Years of mental, emotional, and physical abuse.

He was also taking financial advantage of me and running me into debt.

I moved into my own house with my daughter.

He called for weeks, crying and begging me to return. I finally gave in to seeing him once only.

He’s worked his way back into my life again, and we’ve been “dating” but not living together.

Now his controllin­g ways have a hold on me again.

I hardly see friends or family. I’ve gained a lot of weight due to stress.

He says if I have one night out with anyone, even my mom, he’ll never see me again.

I’m scared to be alone now. I’ve lost the strength I had a year ago.

I don’t want to lose him, but feel trapped. Yet I can’t stomach the thought of him being with anyone else. — Lost

A: You’ve “lost” your resistance, but not yet yourself. You still have the smarts and the guts to write this cry for help.

Run! Get to an abused women’s shelter with your daughter, after you first make contact online from a neutral computer e.g. at a library.

They’ll connect you with legal help to assure you don’t lose your house and other assets.

They’ll find you counsellin­g help. You’ll soon be mentally free to rebuild the confidence you had just a year ago.

This man is poisonous to you, and likely to your daughter, too. Whatever he does to ensnare you, the girl and you need to be free of his influence.

I repeat, Run! Make a safe plan and get going.

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