Cape Breton Post

Post column sparks fond memories


I always enjoy reading Vanessa Childs Rolls informativ­e columns in the Cape Breton Post, but her most recent article (“Controvers­ial program, Nov. 25) struck a personal note.

I took piano lessons from Bernard MacIntosh when I was about 11. He and his wife lived on Sheriff Avenue in Sydney. They were quite elderly at the time and I loved going into their home as it was so warm and cozy.

Mr. MacIntosh, as I called him, was an excellent teacher, even at his advanced age. He actually wrote the songs I was to learn with little notes by them. He always told me to “slow down.” I haven’t taken his advice yet! I guess that’s why I didn’t become and accomplish­ed player.

His daughter Nicky and her husband Alex Young were best friends with my parents and spent many Saturday nights together visiting, singing and laughing into the wee hours of the morning. Music was always a big part of that gang. Nicky was kind enough to give me some of her father’s music books years ago. I still cherish that gift.

Being 11, I didn’t recognize Mr. MacIntosh’s accomplish­ments until many years later and Vanessa has filled in many more very interestin­g details.

Well done, Vanessa. Bev Niven Sydney

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