Cape Breton Post

Take time to get healthy

Even small steps help

- Kathy Golemiec

Hey there, it’s me, Kathy. So how was your week?

Mine wasn’t too bad. There were some ups and downs though. The effects from the steroids are starting to go. Now when the fluffiness leaves, I’ll be a happy camper.

I went to the doctor to get a cortisone injection in my hand and shoulder so my hand and arm should feel better in a day or so.

The morning headaches have slowed down. I’m not getting them every morning now but when I do, oh my, they are unreal. For those of you that don’t know, this is the first time that I’ve ever had a tumour in my brain. I sure am glad they got it when they did.

I stopped into the teashop in town. I went in and said I needed something for energy. The clerk gave me green yerba mate, a herbal tea. I found it a bit strong and bitter but I put honey in it and it made it a lot better to drink. It was very good to drink in small amounts.

I’m not a fan of green tea. My daughter Mandy has been trying to get me to drink green tea for years now. She says it really gives her energy. So OK, I will give it a try.

Green yerba mate tea is from the southern region of Brazil. Yerba Mate is called the drink of the gods. They learned of the potential of the plant during the mid 1600s. It is not as good as hot chocolate and not as bad as pure cappuccino so I may be able to get used to it. I just hope it brings back my energy.

My blood pressure is staying up a bit. I’m trying to drink two cups of water a day. I will add more later on, I hope.

I’m still having a bad time wanting to eat so I drink Slimfast to get some energy. I started to eat cheese again and that’s good.

My granddaugh­ter Emma, 4, started preschool this week and she didn’t cry. She walked in with enough stuff to appear as if she was leaving home. She lives in British Colombia.

My dog Thunder is sitting on the chair with me while I’m writing my column. He is feeling better.

The weather keeps tricking us. One day you think it’s going to be a nice day and the next you’re waiting for a snowstorm. It’s also hard to believe it’s almost Christmas. Doesn’t really feel like the holidays yet.

I went to the flea market this week. It was a hard week. Dad and Janet were at my brother James place to watch his dog while he was in British Colombia visiting Kerry, Dave and Emma and also working.

Thank you to all the people who have given me clothes to resell, cards and gift cards. I also want to thank the lady who gave me the clothes steamer when my steamer started leaking. It makes life easier.

My pain level was eight to 10 but now with the cortisone, that should bring it down to a six, I hope.

When woman learn they have breast cancer and men hear they have prostate cancer they may think their life is over. That may have been true many years ago but not today with so much research being done. When you hear those words now, take a deep breath and tell yourself, ‘I will get through this.’

Start your fight, even if it’s just drinking something healthier like green tea.

Have a great week folks and yes, it feels like mitten time.

Kathy Golemiec is a native of Glace Bay who now lives in Pictou County. She is outlining her journey with cancer each week through this column. She can be reached at The News, PO Box 159, New Glasgow, N.S. B2H 5E3.

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