Cape Breton Post

Sandra Dunn


Sandra Dunn of Whitney Pier is probably best known as a columnist, poet, and playwright with several books to her credit and even placing second in CBC’s National Poetry Face-off. She’s also heavily involved in her community and can be regularly found at the Whitney Pier Historical Museum when it’s open during the summer. These days, she enjoys painting and creating new works of art.

Age: 78. Occupation: Volunteer at the Whitney Pier Museum. Family: Husband Frank and four children, George, Carolyn, Mary and Terry. Birthplace: Sydney. Home: Whitney Pier. Pets: None. Nickname: Sometimes I get Sandy. First job: Usherette at the Vogue Theatre. Uniform and all! What talent would you most like to have: Blues singer.

Coffee or tea: Coffee in the a.m. Tea the rest of the day. What is your favourite food: Steak. Favourite movie: Pretty Woman.

Favourite music: Light classical and blues. Favourite books: I love books written by local authors. What is something you like to do in your leisure time: Writing, painting.

Favourite motto or expression: Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is only promised, live today in the time you actually have. What traits in people do you admire most:

Honesty, compassion, non judgementa­l. Favourite thing about Cape Breton: How close we are to the sea. Favourite place to travel in Cape Breton: Cabot Trail. Favourite place to travel outside of Cape Breton: Aruba.

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