Cape Breton Post

Report sheds light on shadowy fisheries


It is a phenomenon that happens far from shore, with fishing boats transferri­ng their catches to large, refrigerat­ed ships that carry the lucrative haul back to ports for distributi­on around the world.

The practice — known as transshipm­ent — has for decades operated in the shadows, largely beyond the reach of prying eyes and national jurisdicti­on.

But researcher­s using surveillan­ce technology that can peer down on vessels from space have for the first time shed light on the extent and locations of transshipm­ents, an innovation going back to the 1960s that has also been linked to illegal fishing, drug smuggling and human rights abuses.

Their report, published Wednesday in Science Advances, identified global hotspots where transshipm­ents appear to be occurring most frequently and helps fill in the blanks of what happens to a fish from the time it is caught all the way to when it ends up on the dinner table.

“This is cutting edge technology and we’re trying to piece together where that fish was caught to the plate,’’ Boris Worm, a marine biologist at Dalhousie University in Halifax and co-author of the report, said in an interview Wednesday. “What we’re trying to do with this technology is bring more scrutiny to this trade.’’

Worm said researcher­s analyzed data collected through satellite identifica­tion systems, which could pinpoint the regions where suspected transshipm­ents were taking place and also what species were involved.

They found that between 2012 and 2017, there were 501 encounters with 1,856 fishing vessels and refrigerat­ed cargo ships — known as reefers — in 10,510 likely transshipm­ent events worldwide. Many occurred in the so-called hotspots off West Africa, the tropical Pacific and Russia, which has the largest number of reefers.

Most of the transshipm­ents involved trawlers and longliners, with the most common catches being sharks, tuna and billfishes. Other species, like salmon and crustacean­s, are also transferre­d at sea, the study says. It found that 35 per cent of the transshipm­ents took place on the high seas, while the remainder occurred in exclusive economic zones, where most global fishing happens.

The data found that the average transshipm­ent took about 11 hours, with fishing vessels transferri­ng their catches about once a month.

The paper notes that most of the world’s seafood catches — 100 million metric tons a year — are landed in port directly by fishing boats operating in coastal or national waters. But, it warns that transshipm­ent can allow fish caught illegally to be mixed with legal catches, obscuring their origins.

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