Cape Breton Post

Ian Parker


Ian Parker is registered for this year’s Cape Breton Fiddlers Marathon. The Fiddlers Marathon was started in 2005 by the late Lydia Dickson and aims to promote a physically active lifestyle. This year, the Cape Breton Fiddlers Marathon takes place on Sept. 9, and includes 5k, 10k and half marathon distances and is a Boston qualifying marathon. To register, visit www.capebreton­fiddlersru­

Age: 33. Occupation: Lawyer. Home: Sydney.

When did you start running: Spring of 2017.

What is something else you like to do in your spare time: Golf.

Which race are you doing at Cape Breton Fiddlers Marathon in September: Marathon. Longest run (by distance or time) you have ever done: So far – 31k during marathon training.

What do you like to eat or drink after you run: It depends on the day/run, but often Greek yogurt and granola with water. Do you call yourself a runner? Why or why not: I would say that anyone who runs can call themselves a runner – so yes, but I am definitely still a beginner. What are your goals in running: Right now just to get through the marathon. How has running changed you: Since starting to

run, I’ve become fitter, have had more energy and have felt healthier but I certainly have less free time.

Why do you like to run: One of the best parts about running is challengin­g yourself and pushing yourself to improve. As a beginner it’s rewarding to see my progressio­n and compare my current runs to last year’s runs. Favourite place to run: If it’s an easier run, I like to run at the local parks or trails. What is the best advice you’ve received to date

about running: I’ve received a lot of great advice from the local running community, but one of the most useful tips has been not to try to do every run at a fast pace. When I first started running, I felt that all runs had to be quick and ultimately I would end up exhausted and wasn’t improving. Once I slowed down, I started to see progress.

Finish this sentence: I run because… It’s a healthy and worthwhile hobby with a great community.

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