Cape Breton Post

Whalley’s focus was policy, research


In a letter to the editor submitted by Bruce Evans, entitled “Whalley case sparks iInterest,” (Page A10, Aug. 24), he opines on John Whalley’s contention that creating jobs wasn’t part of his job descriptio­n within CBRM government.

Mr. Whalley is an economist. He is not a provincial or federal public servant who are the government employees typically charged with job creation under either federal or provincial programs.

A municipali­ty is not usually responsibl­e for job creation. Municipali­ties are creatures of the provincial government and operate under the Municipal Government Act (MGA)­ns/mga.asp The scope of their duties is limited.

I point Mr. Evans to another page which breaks down municipal roles in a simple to understand way:­ions.html. On this page, you’ll see that longand short-term planning and policy is one of the areas of responsibi­lity of the municipal unit and that is where Mr. Whalley’s talents were used.

On day one of the Whalley wrongful dismissal trial, former CAO, Jerry Ryan said the newly-formed CBRM was both happy and surprised to receive an applicatio­n letter from an economist of the calibre of Mr. Whalley in 1997. Current CAO said on day four that she “thinks the world of him.” Whalley was a respected and hard-working member of CBRM upper management for 18 years.

A little refresher on Canadian municipal units is in order for Mr. Evans who has spent 22 years working in California. It’s possible the American government system and ever-present wildfires have distorted his thinking. Joan O’Connor Sydney

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