Cape Breton Post

YOUR horoscope


HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018:

This year you will experience some profound changes as a result of relating to an extremely intense individual in your life. You both transform because of this relationsh­ip. If you are single, you could meet someone special at nearly any point in the next year. The attraction will be intense, and the difference­s between you also could be substantia­l. If you are attached, the two of you enjoy relating to each other. You often challenge each other to grow and adapt. TAURUS can be more stubborn than you are. You will want more contact with a partner than usual. You are trying to resolve an issue to everyone’s satisfacti­on. Checking in with others to discuss key points is smart. Understand­ing what motivates you to head in a certain direction might not appeal to some. Tonight: Hang out. Despite a fit of anger or frustratio­n, you can be found smiling most of the day. As long as you relax, the cards will fall in the right direction for you. Reach out to someone at a distance whom you don’t often slow down to speak to or share news with. Tonight: Make it easy. Your perky attitude and happy style draw friends toward you. You might wonder what would be the best thing for you to do under a certain set of circumstan­ces. A partner is likely to give you strong feedback. Try to stay on topic as much as possible. Tonight: At a favorite spot. You might want to come to terms with a loved one or dear friend. Reach out to this person. Though there could be a minute or two of anger, eventually you will be able to talk through what has been a problem. Allow more give-and-take with this person. Tonight: Around friends. Others always seem to notice you, but at the present moment you might feel as if you are being noticed too much, especially profession­ally. Don’t get nervous, but try to be less social than usual. You could gain from this moment in a big way. Tonight: Do something just for you. One-on-one relating takes you to a new level of understand­ing. You might wonder whether you will be able to fulfill a commitment involving a loved one. Anger and/or frustratio­n could bubble up if you are not careful in how you deal with this person. Tonight: Be a duo. Defer to a partner. Attempt to get the feedback you need. You’ll discover the significan­ce of getting informatio­n as well as the need to apply it. Be willing to take a stand, if need be. Others appreciate you stepping up to the plate. Tonight: Listen to what a loved one is sharing. Be willing to take a risk. Know that even with the Full Moon, you could be bored and dragging. Recognize how a child or loved one often inspires you to take risks. You might decide to be your own cheerleade­r today. Go for what you want. Tonight: Let the fun take over. Being reasonable always seems to help. You usually come up with the right response. Back out of a problem that does not interest you. Be clear about your motivation. Open up a conversati­on about a selfimpose­d restrictio­n. Get feedback. Tonight: Go where your friends are. You sense that you can’t get more informatio­n by asking questions or by snooping around. Others are likely to divulge more than you had anticipate­d.

A friendship could feel more draining to you now than it has in the past. Take a step back, if possible. Tonight: Just do not be alone. You will stay on top of a project. Others might be surprised by how smoothly things are running. Trust that you will know when you have had enough. Explore an idea that you have thought about and now want to talk through. Tonight: Dream up some wonderful weekend plans.

 ??  ?? A partner could be more provocativ­e than usual. Avoid triggering a disagreeme­nt if possible. Frustratio­ns might be high, but if you stay flexible, you will flow through a situation with ease. Be willing to work with the unfamiliar and the unknown. Tonight: Try something new.
A partner could be more provocativ­e than usual. Avoid triggering a disagreeme­nt if possible. Frustratio­ns might be high, but if you stay flexible, you will flow through a situation with ease. Be willing to work with the unfamiliar and the unknown. Tonight: Try something new.

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